Women at the Well: Being Present in the "Someday"
Editor’s Note: Women at the Well is an ongoing blog series. Each month, a different woman shares how God is meeting her in her current season of life. Today, we’re excited to have Maureen Eaton joining us to talk about her walk with God as a wife and mother transitioning into being an “empty nester”.
Tell us a bit about yourself, your vocation, and normal daily routine.
Hello from the Space Coast of Florida! I’m Maureen Eaton– a wife, a mom of 4 grown sons, and a “MeMe”. David and I will officially be “empty nesters” in December, when our youngest graduates from college. A few years ago, I retired from my teaching career and I’m now pursuing several hobbies and interests, including writing.
My daily routine has certainly changed in the last few years. Mad dashes out the door in the morning have now evolved into a slower pace and rhythm. I used to gulp down cold coffee as I stacked sandwiches and packed backpacks. I’d consult the multi-colored calendar to see who needed to be where, when. I’d dream of that “someday”, when I might actually finish a cup o’ joe while it was still hot.
These days, I wake up early and sip my hot brew while I pray (lately the Rosary with @manyhailmarysatatime on Instagram). Then I spend time journaling and reflecting on the daily Scripture readings. While I often miss those early days, I am also grateful to be in this “someday” season.
If we look closely, we see the hand of God working in our lives. How is Jesus reaching out to you right now, in your current season of life?
Some of the greatest gifts of this current season include being parents of adult children and being grandparents. Watching our sons grow, leave the “nest”, marry wonderful young ladies, and become parents themselves has been such a joy. Watching them with their wives and their children, and seeing God at work in their lives, is a true blessing. (To be honest, they’re actually better at this parenting thing than I think we were!)
What truths about yourself has the Lord been revealing in prayer? How does acknowledging these truths in your heart affect your vocation in life?
I’ve often struggled with worry and trust. “What if…?” has been my go-to question. But God has been infinitely patient with me. He has been reminding me that He is faithful and worthy of my trust. It’s as if He is asking “What if… you trust in Me?”
How has encountering Jesus in prayer radically changed your life? What fruits do you see manifested in your day-to-day that flow from your encounters with Him?
Lately, I’m trying to make my “go-to” prayer this phrase: “Jesus, I trust in You.” When situations arise that cause worry or fear or “what-if” thinking, I pause. I breathe in “Jesus” and breathe out “I trust in You.” Do I always remember to do this? Honestly, no. But when I do, the worry wanes. Thankfully, He meets me right where I am, ‘what-ifs” and all.
Mary Beth Keenan, @mb_keenan.15
It can often be easy to fall into the trap of discontent in our specific vocations. What has been bringing you peace lately? Do you have any habits, hobbies, or self care practices which fill your heart with peace?
In this season, I’ve had more time to hone habits that help me pursue peace and contentment. I’m doing more writing, more reading, more walking and water drinking. I’m learning to embrace creativity as a gift from God. Photography, sketching, and painting are bringing me joy. Practice and process over product and perfection.
What words of encouragement would you like to pass on to a sister facing the same choices and challenges as you?
It has taken me half-a-dozen decades. Years of looking back to “those days” or hoping for “some days”.
But now I’m learning to be available. To be present where I am, today. In this season. And that would be my encouragement to you, too.
Whether you’re in college or the work force or religious life, newly married, in the midst of raising a family, or on the cusp of empty nesting—be present where you are. Now. In this season, this moment.
This will help you live today well.
“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.”
― Thomas Merton
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander
Meet Maureen Eaton
Maureen Eaton lives in Titusville, on Florida’s Space Coast. She and David have been married for 36 years and have launched 4 grown sons into the world. They have 3 beautiful daughters-in-law and 5 grandchildren (so far!). A teacher for over 30 years, she is now retired and enjoys reading, writing, and learning new things. She especially loves spending time with family and friends (and books and coffee). You can find her on Instagram @maureenaeaton.