Women at the Well: Retired Teacher of the Deaf and Grandmother of 9 Shares How She Lives Today Well
Editor’s Note: Women at the Well is an ongoing blog series. Each month, a different woman shares how God is meeting her in her current season of life. Today, we’re thrilled to have Maureen Corral joining us to talk about her walk with God as a retired teacher of the Deaf and busy grandmother. Join Maureen as she shares her adjustment to retiring and how she seeks God everyday.
Tell us a bit about yourself, your vocation, and normal daily routine.
My husband and I just recently celebrated 34 years of marriage. We both love spending time with our 9 grandchildren whenever possible. Unfortunately they all live out of town at the moment. I loved my career as a Teacher of the Deaf for the Rochester City School District, but it was time to begin a new chapter of my life.
I have embraced retirement! Being retired I have been able to begin my day differently. Instead of hurrying off in the mornings, now when I awake, I spend sacred time with God in prayer, listening to the Bible in a Year podcast, and writing in my Morning Offering journal. Together God and I approach the day ahead with inspiration and passion. It’s a beautiful way to set the day’s tone.
I love exploring my creativity. I recently participated in an online retreat based on the book Creative God. One of the exercises has gotten me to write haikus. I’m having fun with these:
Cloudy and gray skies
Spirits are low and dragging
Need God’s golden touch.
Life is a wonder
Make the most of its beauty
God’s gift to us all.
Loving the sunshine
It’s uplifting to my soul
God’s showering love.
I also volunteer in our Homebound Ministry. I am in awe of these women of great faith who pray with me when they receive the Holy Eucharist. They grow my faith.
I feel blessed to have this time to share in these wonderful opportunities. These experiences make my life richer and my heart overflow with God’s love!
If we look closely, we can see the hand of God weaving threads throughout the fabric of our lives. Where are you seeing God working in your current season of life?
Rochester, New York typically has gray, gloomy days. But generally, at some point throughout the day, the sun sneaks a peek and shines upon me. At these particular moments I feel especially kissed by God! It’s as if He’s saying to me, “I’m here with you. We’ve got this!” I love these gentle loving reminders that I’m never alone as I go about my day!
Since my retirement, I’ve been trying to grow my spiritual life. In doing so, I’ve felt God directed by the many emails that come to my inbox offering retreats, suggesting books and podcasts, and inviting me to engage in new experiences like contributing my answers to the Woman at the Well. Saying yes to these opportunities has truly enriched my spiritual life and has shown me that God is at work in my life always. It’s my responsibility to be vigilant and say yes.
As we come to know ourselves, we come to know God. What truths has the Lord been revealing to you in prayer? How does acknowledging these truths in your heart affect your daily life?
Prayer has taught me that God’s plan is perfect. It’s frequently not the plan I want or would have chosen for myself, but it is always what’s best for me even if I don’t realize it at the time.
I’ve always been a woman of faith. But back when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was brought to my knees. Even though I had the support of my loving husband and family and friends, it was God who held my hand, walked with me every step of the way and carried me when necessary. I was so frazzled one morning that I didn’t know if I was coming or going. I quickly got out of bed and went to morning Mass before work. The moment I stepped into our church I was overwhelmed with God's gift of peace. I heard God say to me that it’s going to be okay. I had no idea what that “okay” was, but I finally felt safe.
I learned to always put my trust in God.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Mary Beth Keenan, @mb_keenan.15.
The Woman at the Well dropped everything in order to invite the people she had previously avoided to meet Jesus. How has encountering Jesus in prayer radically changed your life (or even in a small way)? What fruits do you see manifested in your day-to-day that flow from encounters with Him?
Encountering Jesus has taught me that Jesus wants me to come to Him with my anxieties and sins, instead of being lured by Satan’s taunts and empty promises. When I do come, He embraces me in His loving arms. He understands my heart. He offers words of comfort and forgiveness. I am once again reminded that I am His beloved daughter and He is my magnificent, all powerful, all loving God!
God's mercies are new every morning.
Lamentations 3:22
Because of this promise, I try to begin every day with a spirit of hope and anticipation and to recognize what a gift it is to have another day to grow in love and faith. I believe I’m becoming more patient. I'm trying to be less judgmental and more accepting of others whose ways are different from mine. I'm trying to be a light in my circle of influence.
In this season of your life, do you have any habits, hobbies, or self-care practices which fill your heart with peace and keep you from falling into discontentment?
I love reading, especially good fiction. It takes me away from my worries and anxieties and I gain insights from the characters in the book.
I also benefit from reflecting on my life and my plans for the day during my morning power walks.
I feel well cared for when I treat myself to a venti, decaf, nonfat, no foam latte at B&N. (Try saying that 3 times fast!) It always feels decadent!
What words of encouragement can you pass on to a woman who might be facing the same choices and challenges as you?
At challenging times, I always turn to prayer.
Here are two of my favorites:
Dear Lord, I place my trust in you, You never let me down.
Wait and see and trust in Me.
Always look for God’s extraordinary grace in your ordinary moments!
Meet Maureen Corral
Maureen Corral is a retired Teacher of the Deaf. She lives in Rochester, NY with her husband Ralph. She loves to read, grow her spiritual life and spend time with family and friends.