Meet the VOICES Team

“The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of it’s scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” ― St. Therese of Lisieux

Old, young, tall, short, extroverted, introverted, cradle catholic or convert… we all have unique stories to tell. Each one of our lives forms its own, stunning yet different tapestry as we walk with the Lord. He speaks to our hearts and romances us intentionally… personally...deeply.

Though our personalities and journeys with the Lord may be unique to each one of us, our love of Him and desire to draw nearer to Him remains the same.

In December of 2018, as Mary and I began to reflect on the past few months of our fledgling ministry, we asked the Lord to show us where He wanted us to go next. In prayer, we lay our request before Him - “Lord, help this ministry to be what you desire it to be. Let Live Today Well not be about us, but instead, allow this ministry to be about YOU and your ardent love for each one of us. Help this ministry to reach the hearts of the women you most want it to reach.”

Quickly, it became abundantly clear that He was asking us to expand the team, to invite women from all different seasons of life to join us in pursuit of this mission. The result of God’s grace is the beautiful team of women that you’ll get to meet today, our brand new VOICES Team!

Mary and I feel so grateful that each one of these women agreed to join the ministry team, and we are humbled by their willingness to courageously share how they strive to shine the light of Christ in their own lives. The diversity of seasons, hearts, and stories in this team is an enormous blessing… one in which the presence of Christ is ever evident.

Below, you’ll find a short introduction to each new woman on the VOICES Team! We invite you to cover these women in prayer, as they in turn, pray for you, too. Together, as one collective, let us all support and encourage one another, that we may point each other towards heaven.



Hello! My name is Hope Acquilano, and I live in South Carolina with my two toddlers and my husband, Michael. I am a stay at home mom and homemaker, primarily, and an artist on the side. I am also a Fertility Care Practitioner and teach the Creighton Model System of Natural Family Planning. In all the areas of my life I am learning to trust in God and marvel at His goodness. My life is busy, but every aspect of it fills my heart with joy and gratitude. 

Favorite movie or book: My current favorite book is One Beautiful Dream by Jennifer Fulwiler. 

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: After some snuggles with my toddlers, I like to make coffee for my husband before he leaves for work, then sit down and reflect on the daily mass readings, usually while doing art. 

One way God has been surprising me lately: God has been bringing people into my life that have led me closer to Him and inspired healing in my heart. Through the love of my children, He is showing me how to love myself in deeper ways. He’s also given me the opportunity to grow in my talents and share those with the world.

Connect with Hope on Instagram @kitchen_house_studio.



My husband and I live in Seattle with our two sons, ages 5 and almost 2. About 10 years ago I earned my PhD in Russian literature, but I chose not to seek employment in my field. I’m grateful for my time in grad school, but I have never regretted that decision. I have spent my time since then working on writing and creative projects and raising our two boys. Our older son just started kindergarten this year, so I have a little bit more time for writing and prayer, and I am loving being able to spend more time on those things.

Favorite movie or book: I’m a Dostoevsky girl, and “The Brothers Karamazov” is my favorite of his novels. I’m not sure I’ve ever read another author who was so unafraid to plumb the depths of the darkness of humanity. The light of grace shines all the more brightly in his work because of it.

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Right now my toddler and I are the first ones up in the morning. I can usually manage a few sips of coffee and the first of the mass readings before he climbs into my lap and asks me to rock him. I am beginning to see them both, the reading and the rocking, as beautiful prayers.

One way God has been surprising me lately: The last time I saw my spiritual director, I gleefully told her, “God is doing stuff!” The affirmation He gives me, the opportunities He sends me, especially when I feel discouraged and like I’m not doing anything worthwhile, are such a great comfort and joy to me.

Connect with Cameron on Instagram @krugthethinker.



My name is Jessica Bonaparte, and I am a 27 year old registered nurse in the beautiful country of Canada! Most of my time is spent working as a registered nurse in the areas of hemodialysis and labour & delivery/postpartum. I have a love for and deep desire to journey with (and support) women through pregnancy. In this current season of singleness, I am continually trying to tune my heart to God’s voice so that I may respond to the ways in which He desires for me to use my gifts in the present moment to help those around me. 

Favorite movie or book: The book Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Fr. Jacques Philippe has a storehouse of gems that I turn back to again and again. 

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Being able to read the daily mass readings before the start of my day has greatly benefited me in my attempts to center my day around our Lord. While reading the mass readings for the day, I like to store a particular verse or word that stood out to me in my mind. Throughout the day I then attempt to reflect on that passage as a way to draw God into whatever it is I am doing. 

One way God has been surprising me lately: God has been speaking truth and pouring healing over me through the Litany of Trust by the Sisters of Life. There has been a lot of uncertainty in my life lately, but praying this litany daily has opened my eyes to the ways in which God is revealing His providence over my life.

Connect with Jessica on Instagram @jess18768.



 Hello! My name is Anna Bonnema, and I am the mom of 15 (almost 16) year old triplets.  I have been married to my best friend for 20 years. I am a highly sensitive (hsp)  introvert (INFJ) who recharges with silence, nature, tea, and dog snuggles. I have a heart for justice.  I work at a christian liberal arts college and am also in the third (and last) year of a Spiritual Direction Practicum at our local Dominican Center. Saint Benedict is very close to my heart, and I incorporate his notions of hospitality, listening and humility into my life daily. I believe listening happens best while holding a mug in two hands.  

Favorite movie or book:  Favorite book of this year is either Where the Crawdads Sing or Lights on the Sea.

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter:  A mug of Earl Grey Creme and the daily reading in “Sacred Space” by the Irish Jesuits.

One way God has been surprising me lately: God has been surprising me lately with a nudge to open, to be opened. The Greek word Ephphatha is on the chalkboard in my dining room. It is a season of openness and surrender.

Connect with Anna on Instagram @annabonnema.



Hi! I’m Sarah. My husband and I have been married for eight years, and we live in the greater Kansas City area. I have been on the administrative staff of my church for over a decade and truly enjoy my job. I am in a season of small, subtle transitions.  After a time of being over-extended and exhausted, I retreated in many ways and paired back much in my life. I recently sensed the Lord showing me that I am in a new season of expanding my capacity in a way that restores my soul (rather than wear it down).  I’ve been able to say “yes” to some new invitations God has extended to me (such as joining the VOICES team), and I am excited to see how the Lord is stretching and strengthening me in the process.

Favorite movie or book: Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life by Tish Harrison Warren.

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Enjoying a cup of coffee while I water and tend to my plants. This year is the first time I’ve managed to keep multiple plants alive more than a few weeks. There is something very grounding for me about slowing down and intentionally taking care of the plants; the practice helps my heart commune with the Creator in a beautiful and unexpected way. 

One way God has been surprising me lately: In some of the seemingly most mundane moments and small experiences of my day, God has been meeting me with an overwhelming sense of His love for me. Sometimes I get so focused on what is ahead or must be done that I lose sight of being present to the Lord as I go about my day. These moments help me to reorient my heart to Christ and be present to the one who is ever present with me.

Connect with Sarah on Instagram @bluebirdiekc.



I live in Titusville, Florida on the Space Coast (home of the Kennedy Space Center), where we have watched shuttles and rockets lift-off from right at the end of our driveway!  I’ve been married to David for 34 years, and in that time we’ve launched 4 sons into the world. We have 3 beautiful daughters-in-law and 4 grandchildren (so far!). I was blessed to have a career as a Teacher of the Deaf and part time Sign Language Interpreter for 30 years. I am now retired and we are in the empty nester season. I’m thankful to have the time to write, read, volunteer and travel, especially to see those grandbabies. 

Favorite movie or book: The Sound of Music and Gift from the Sea

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Peppermint tea and Bible journaling

One way God has been surprising me lately: He keeps reminding me to TRUST HIM and that He’s Got This! I love it when He brings me to the same Scripture verse or phrase in different situations, even within a single day!

Connect with Maureen on Instagram @maureenaeaton.



Hello! My name is Marissa. I'm a 26 year old wife and stay-at-home mama. My husband and I have been married about 3.5 years, and we live in the Northern Virginia area. Before I became a mother to my one year old daughter, I taught 1st grade at a Catholic school. I taught for several years, and I found so much joy in watching a little child conquer a challenge, such as learning to read. I try to remember those small joys in my everyday life as I tend to my toddler, wash the dishes, and get the groceries. Right now, my life isn't big and exciting as I stay home and wipe noses, but there's joy in the small victories! 

Favorite movie or book: I love all of Jane Austen's books! But I'm currently really enjoying a variety of historical fiction books. As for movies/TV shows, I have The Office on continuous repeat!  

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Mornings are currently pretty hectic in my house, but I've started tidying my kitchen, filling the kettle, and getting a frittata ready every night. Then, when I wake up, everything is clean and ready to go for the day! After breakfast, I try to find time to read and reflect on the daily mass readings. I'm trying to find joy in the small routines as I prepare to start my day!

One way God has been surprising me lately: Coming out of postpartum depression, my view towards life has been bleak. But now, I'm looking around and seeing just how beautiful and amazing the world is. God is so beautifully present even in the smallest, most mundane things.

Connect with Marissa on Instagram @stella_maris_prints.


Meet Matea Gregg

My name is Matea, and I am 22 years old! I recently graduated from Fort Hays State University in Kansas with a BA in General Communication Studies. I am currently working for the Catholic Diocese of Salina as the Communications Coordinator. I am in charge of all our social media accounts and YouTube channel, which has been such a dream!  Starting a new job in a new town away from friends and family has been exciting but also challenging. I am still meeting new people and getting used to things here, but overall, I am loving it so far and feel so blessed to be serving the Lord in this way! 

Favorite movie or book: My favorite movie is Tangled - Rapunzel is my spirit animal, Flynn is the best Prince, and I just love Disney ok?

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: I love going to daily mass before work at 8 AM, but I also enjoy stopping at my fave local coffee shop downtown! Iced coffee and Jesus can make my day SO much better.

One way God has been surprising me lately: God has been surprising me in little ways since I moved away from home to show that I am where He wants me to be. Little “God winks” on a bad day really show me that He is here with me through this new season of life!

Connect with Matea on Instagram @matea_gregg225.


Meet Rebecca Hamilton

Hello, I’m Rebecca - mom to a 2.5 year old John-Paul and a 4 month old Verity. My husband, beloved sister-in-law who is our nanny, and I live in Northern California. I work full time as a fiscal consultant. Our family started a journey towards the East three years ago as we began attending a Melkite Catholic parish (Byzantine Rite). We have so enjoyed “breathing with both lungs”, as Pope John Paul described the two sides of the Church. I love being outside exploring our river town and the nearby mountains or ocean. We are an avid reading and read-aloud family and also like to brave travel with kids as much as we can! 

Favorite movie or book: My favorite books of this year so far has been My Sisters, The Saints and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: One thing I love doing in the morning is opening up all our windows. We have a huge picture window and greeting the day washed in natural light makes the whole morning seem peace and joy-filled. Also, coffee. A whole French press, please. 

One way God has been surprising me lately: 

God has been surprising me with an invitation to love where I live. For context, I always said I never wanted to settle here. It doesn’t have the mountains I grew up with, nor the beach California is famous for. It’s flat. It’s hot. But God has opened my heart by presenting me with the most beautiful side of where I live. I’ve discovered river preserves, botanical gardens, charming neighborhoods, and, most importantly, a vibrant church community and a strong network of friends. 

Connect with Rebecca on Instagram @bairntenaya.


Meet Ashton Decker Kelly

Hi! I’m Ashton; wife to Mark, momma to Addison Virginia Rose and furmomma to our sweet pup Bauer. My family lives in the Phoenix metro area where we do not miss the snow and ice of the Midwest. Growing up, I spent a lot of my time with my maternal grandparents who were devout Catholics, and I am so thankful for them every day in the way they valued family and marriage. This impacted my journey into the Church, and I finally converted to the faith in 2018. Our family is in a season of joyful challenges with our threenager daughter. Some days bring fun and exciting new discoveries and others bring tears and tantrums. I know one day we’ll wake up and have a new set of hurdles, so for now, we’re trying to enjoy the little moments and give ourselves some extra grace.

Favorite movie or book: My favorite books are the Harry Potter series. They are such a big part of my childhood and they bring back so many wonderful memories. I enjoy reading them and sharing them with our daughter now. As we near the holiday season, I must tell you that I love watching Christmas Vacation! It’s a tradition for my husband and I to watch this on Thanksgiving night to kick off the season.

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: The cooler weather is making for gorgeous mornings here in Arizona! I live for hot lattes and sweater weather, so I am in a state of bliss right now as we begin the best time of the year here in the desert.

One way God has been surprising me lately: I feel extremely blessed lately when it comes to friendship. God is surrounding me with amazing women who support and encourage me. As a mother, life can be lonely and exhausting. The friendships I have in women who value the same things I do is a reminder of His love for me and encouragement to keep living a life full of truth and light.

Connect with Ashton on Instagram @ashdecks.


Meet Mary Katherine Leaf

Hey y’all! I am a 24 year old former-homeschooler and the oldest of seven kids. I am a pastry chef and have recently moved to the beautiful, little, baby-city of Charlotte, NC. My days start early and are filled with baking, coffee, a daily holy (sometimes half) hour, a good book (or four), and fellowship with fellow young adults (when I can stay awake for it).

Favorite movie or book:

I’m big classic novel fan, especially Austen, Dickens, and Tolkien, but right now my favorite book would have to be Captivating by Stasi and John Elderidge. It’s one of the best books I’ve read recently on femininity, and it does an incredible job of illuminating our hearts and showing how they are, in fact, reflecting the heart of God.

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter:

COFFEE, hands down.

One way God has been surprising me lately: 

I’m blown away by the way God has taken care of me in my transition to Charlotte. I’m constantly seeing His hand at work in the people I‘ve met, the amazing job I’ve been able to get, and the incredible community of Christians here. My heart is overflowing with gratitude.

Connect with Mary Katherine on Instagram @pastry_pastimes.


Meet Heather Lebano

I am in a season of rediscovering a life of living in wonder and embracing the slow and steady. While spending my day writing for my blog and other projects, I am unearthing words for a book or two. Also, I am guiding my two oldest children to discover who they are as they begin their endeavors for higher learning, and I am home educating (this is new to me) my two middle school girls. While I love a great sandwich, I have found myself reluctantly plopped right in the middle of the so-called sandwich generation. I have been supporting my mom in her season of grief, loneliness, and struggle as she lives with MS, ever since my father has passed away. This season is introducing healing, reconciliation, hope and restoration in so many places.

Favorite movie or book: Choosing a favorite movie is a tough one as I love so many, but Mr. Holland's Opus, Braveheart, and, more recently, Cinderella rank at the top of my list.

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter:  My mornings have been made sweeter as they start with precious time alone with my son who is a junior in high school. With three sisters, it is often hard to finish a conversation without girl chatter. These sacred moments are brought to us by shifting our morning routine as I am now home educating my middle school aged girls. While navigating this new path of education, I have become aware of the gifts that show up for our family because of this yes to an unconventional way of learning that brings peace and freedom. This includes supporting my oldest daughter with recovery and healing since her freshman year of college was derailed for lack of accessibility for her hearing loss. 

One way God has been surprising me lately: While I always feel His presence, I am aware of how God has woven the threads across the tapestry of my life. Lately, I am more keenly aware when I surrender to Him, walk obediently, listen to the spirit, and give glory to Him in all of my work of writing and trusting. Grace abounds! He always leaves me in awe and manages to surprise me every day.

Connect with Heather on Instagram @houseofloveandlaughterblog.


Meet Rakhi McCormick

Howdy! I’m Rakhi, wife to Tim for 10 years and Mama to three children under 10. I converted from Hinduism in college, and have worked in ministry for the last 20 years in some capacity. I’m a late bloomer when it comes to marriage and children, and I find myself nearing my mid-forties with kids in elementary school. While this lends to perpetual tiredness, I am also finding that my 40s bring a level of confidence (and sass) that have given me a new freedom to be myself and worry less about what others think and getting it all right. I’m growing more comfortable with realizing I get it wrong a lot but that grace covers the rough edges. 

Favorite movie or book: Favorite movie is a tie between Roman Holiday and the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice. My favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird. Also, I don’t like choosing favorites because there are so many to love! 

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Most days, my husband makes sure the coffee is made before he leaves for work so I get a mug while I spend a few moments in contemplative prayer before taking the kids to school. 

One way God has been surprising me lately: God continues to surprise me by his generosity in words and messages from people at just the right time. Whether it is encouragement, or confirmation about something I’ve been praying about, He shows me in the smallest of ways that He is always with me, even when I’m not at my best. Maybe especially then...

Connect with Rakhi on Instagram @rakstardesigns.



I’m a writer and editor specializing in content for Catholic women, particularly in my roles as managing editor of Catholic Women in Business and contributing writer and assistant editor at FemCatholic. I’m engaged to my best friend, and we’re hoping to get married next summer/early fall. I live near my family (including my two-year-old niece and her little brother, who will be born in February, and my best friend and her four children, who are my godkids). I love spending time with them, as well as hitting the road with my fiancé to visit his family in West Virginia and Ohio.

Favorite movie or book: Emma by Jane Austen is my favorite book. The Lord of the Rings and The Wizard of Oz are my favorite movies.

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: My fiancé and I started saying a daily(ish) rosary in the evenings a few months ago, either in person or on FaceTime. Last week, we switched to doing it in the morning, and praying with him has been a great way to start the day.

One way God has been surprising me lately: I keep connecting with ministries and organizations that serve Catholic women, and I’m constantly grateful for the opportunity to work with them. It’s truly been a blessing.

Connect with Taryn on Instagram @everdayroseseditorial.



I am a recovering perfectionist, budding contemplative, and #boymom! My husband and I live in Central Florida where I stay home to raise our three boys under 5 (yes, we have our hands full!). When I’m not chasing tinies you can find me reading, writing, or crafting.

Favorite movie or book: Favorite books are the Chronicles of Narnia - I have a special place in my heart for Aslan!

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: We recently moved a cozy chair into our bedroom so I can read and write in the morning, and my middle son has started to come find me when he wakes up so he can crawl in my lap for the sweetest sleepy snuggles. Makes my heart melt every time! 

One way God has been surprising me lately: He continues to put before me opportunities to use my creativity and skills to encourage others, which has been super affirming as I’ve wrestled so much over the years with the “hiddenness” of motherhood and how that intersects with my identity and calling as a believer.

Connect with Kayla on Instagram @keowriter.



I live in California, but I’m from Texas, and I think that shows in my deep love of hospitality and my desire to bless all the hearts. I’m wife to Ian for almost 5 years, mom to Ellie and Joy, who are 25 months apart, and Campus Minister to lots of highschoolers. I love to read, write, sing and play guitar, pray, talk about big lofty dreams, set goals and make a million to do lists I can check off. My season right now is fighting to keep my primary vocation primary amid the pressures of being a full time working mom who just wants all the things done and done well.

Favorite movie or book: Give me any book by Francine Rivers and I’ll be lost for days, but Redeeming Love is the one that really tugs my heartstrings some kind of special. 

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Sipping on coffee and soaking up God’s Word before the tiny feet hit the floor.

One way God has been surprising me lately: Showering me with His love in the affirmations from others that always seem to be connected to the words I’ve recently exchanged with Him in prayer.

Connect with Eileen on Instagram @franciseileenperez.



I’m a D.C. area native, wife to Jonathan for almost 5 years, and mom of James and Lucy, who are 13 months apart. I currently work at a global design firm as a sustainability consultant and in my free time I work on DIY house projects sprinkled in with interior design consulting work for Verily Magazine. Though it is certainly a busy time, it has pushed me to become fully present to God in the quiet time I have on my long bus commutes (aka, my hermitage as of late) and with my family while at home.

Favorite movie or book: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Meditating on the Rosary during my commute.

One way God has been surprising me lately: Spontaneous chats about our faith in my workplace; More often than not, I am not the one to start the conversation, too. They ask questions and I just answer, and they’ve certainly been wonderful moments of grace.

Connect with Fatima on Instagram @theperezhomestead.



I am a newlywed, mom-to-be, and Newman Campus Minister living in Cleveland, OH. I love coffee, meaningful conversation, serving others, and all things Ignatian. Also puns. Dad jokes are the best jokes.

Favorite movie or book: Questions like these always stump me! The Book of Ruth is my favorite in Scripture, but other than that, I don’t think I can definitively decide on anything else. I also tend to forget about things I’ve seen or read until someone starts a conversation about them - the same goes for music. Not necessarily all time favorites, but I loved the last two I read by Kristin Hannah - The Nightingale and The Great Alone.

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Since being pregnant I haven’t liked the taste of coffee unless there was sugar or flavoring - which is crazy to me, because I used to refuse putting in any sort of sweetener!

One way God has been surprising me lately: The power of memory. My prayer life has been off recently (I don’t imagine it will return to “normal” after the baby gets here either), but I have been able to remember past experiences of God’s love in prayer and life events which has really helped me stay positive about these transitions.

Connect with Sarah on Instagram @sarah_ann_rose_.


MEET René Schulze

My current season is one of transition. I graduated from Texas A&M University in December of 2017 and six months later began my service year as an Augustinian Volunteer in Philadelphia. After my service year ended this summer, I moved back home to the great state of Texas, and I am adjusting to a new phase of life. Without school or a service program shaping my life, I am now the one calling the shots. There’s also been a shift in my spiritual life from being surrounded by great communities of friendship and faith to now having to make a more serious personal commitment to my spiritual development. While I can sometimes get overwhelmed by these challenges, I am taking things day by day and constantly remind myself that I am not alone in this because I have a God that loves me deeply. Some things that bring me peace during this time are early morning or evening walks, playing board games with friends, writing, fresh flowers, and lighting candles around the house. I am thrilled about this opportunity to be a part of the VOICES team, share and learn from one another, and grow into the love of Christ together.  

Favorite movie or book: My favorite book is a toss up between Tattoos on the Heart by Fr. Greg Boyle and American Wolf by Nate Blakeslee. If you love National Parks or are interested in environmental issues, check out American Wolf.

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: Getting some fresh air either on an early morning walk or just sitting on the front porch sipping a cup of coffee and enjoying the view. 

One way God has been surprising me lately: In a time of my life when I don’t really know what I should be doing or what direction I am moving in, God keeps telling me in little ways (and sometimes big ways), “I’ve got you. I love you. It will be okay.” 

Connect with René on Instagram @ohhey.rene.


Meet Katie Sherman

I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a student. I am currently finishing up my last year of undergrad at the University of Alabama at Birmingham! I am falling more in love with Jesus everyday and appreciating this time of singleness and uncertainty in vocation. I am a psychology major with a spanish minor, hoping to pursue a career in Recreational Therapy. I am also currently in the process of applying to be a FOCUS missionary, so I’d say I’m in a pretty significant season of trust. If I'm not in a coffee shop, I’m either hiking with my family, baking, water coloring, playing around with my guitar, or sitting with our Lord in the perpetual adoration chapel. 

Favorite movie or book: Favorite book is definitely Tremendous Trifles by G.K. Chesterton. However there are so many more that I would add to this list. Favorite movie series is the Lord of the Rings. Favorite movie would have to be Dead Poet Society

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: My mornings have been filled with awe, breathing in the fall air as the trees change color. Bright yellow, warm red, and sunset orange leaves that cover the hills and the world around me. It reminds me that we live in such a beautiful world. The trees change colors. What Father would go so far to do this if not one who was deeply in love with His children? 

One way God has been surprising me lately: God has been surprising me lately by opening my eyes to His presence more deeply in the Sacraments. Whether that is through tears of pain and healing in Confession, while Jesus holds my hand through the hands of the priest, or through His humility in the Eucharist and desiring to just be with me in Adoration. Our lives are full of surprises; everyday we could be overwhelmed by His little reminders of love. It is just up to us to take a moment and see them.

Connect with Katie on Instagram @kmaries23.



Hello, sisters in Christ! My name is Olivia, and I’m here to share the joy and beauty of being a young Catholic gal. I vlog over at Catholic Girl Talk about faith, femininity, fashion, and friendship. One of my deepest passions is to teach women about their bodies and health as I work towards becoming a certified FEMM instructor! I am a freshman studying nursing (and secretly Theology ;)) at Benedictine College in the cute little town of Atchison, Kansas. I cannot even begin to describe the beautiful things the Lord is doing in this season of my life which can be summed up by what my Great Books professor mentioned in class the other day: “Man’s choice is not how long to live, but how to live.” Through encounters with my classmates, conversations with professors, in prayer and my classes grounded in the liberal arts, I am learning how to live. The way to live is to BE in every moment in love for the other. I can truthfully echo the words of my sister-saint Therese: “At last I have found my vocation. My vocation is love.”

Favorite movie or book: If I had to choose one it would be The Second Greatest Story Ever Told  by Father Michael Gaitley. He explains so beautifully that now is a unique time in history, a time of mercy! My favorite movie is The War of the Vendee by Navis Pictures. The innocence, strength, and message of this film have touched my heart beyond describing. 

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: I don’t do this very often, but my favorite mornings are when I wake up early, turn on all the cute fairy lights in my dorm room, and eat my overnight oats while listening to a podcast! 

One way God has been surprising me lately: The Lord has been giving me an overabundance of blessings in my everyday encounters with people here on Benedictine’s campus. I literally cannot go a day without asking or being asked how my day was or how I am doing! Because of this attitude of openness to the other fostered here in the community of faith and scholarship, my everyday encounters with people have become tangible everyday encounters with Christ.

Connect with Olivia on Instagram @catholicgirltalk.



I’m a wife and mom to a three year old and one year old. I’m a stay at home mom and love to paint. I live in Southern California, and I love spending time at the beach.

Favorite movie or book: Favorite book trilogy is Traitor’s Kiss by Erin Beaty. I’m loving fantasy fiction right now. 

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: My husband and I have been locking our phones every night in our file cabinet until 8:30am. It has been such a blessing to spend that time in quiet, or prayer, without distractions from our phones.

One way God has been surprising me lately: Seeing how much my children are growing. The words they are saying, the kisses and cuddles they give, I’m in awe of God’s light shining through them to me.

Connect with Malia on Instagram @belovedblessedart.


MEET Megan Turland 

Hi there! I am first and foremost a beloved daughter of The Father. I am a wife to Benjamin, and mother to a three-year-old, almost two-year-old, one baby in heaven, and another baby expected to make his or her arrival this February. We live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I spend most of my days with my kiddos, while working part-time from home as a Missionary with Catholic Christian Outreach. I do remote training and program development for our missionaries who are seeking the renewal of the world through the evangelization and leadership development of university students. Over the last year I’ve discovered a love for writing that I never knew I had. To fan this new found passion I started a blog called The Good Soil, where I explore what it means to cultivate rich environments for myself and others to flourish.

Favorite movie or book: My all time favourite book is I Believe in Love. I’ve probably read it 6-7 times and I’m currently rereading it again. My favourite movie is Remember the Titans

One thing that is making my mornings a little sweeter: My husband and I have started a new habit of waking up before the kids to have coffee and spend some quiet time in prayer. It’s the best way to start the day! My daughter has started even to grab her Bible and snuggle with me for a few minutes when she first wakes up because she sees that is how I’m starting the day. 

One way God has been surprising me lately: Lately God is surprising me by how much He is speaking to me through my vocation. He is using my everyday moments with my husband and children to speak very profound truths to me about his love and delight in me.  

Connect with Megan on Instagram @_thegoodsoil.

We are truly so grateful for all of these women for their “YES” to joining the VOICES Team.

If you’d like to know more about our VOICES Team members, you can find their full bios on the “Our Story & Team” page of our website.

We look forward to continuing to grow in holiness with you, dear sister... Here’s to the beautiful things God has in store for us all!


Kara & Mary

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