Introducing Our Theme for 2019


Facetime connected our hearts from North Carolina to Southern California. Prayer, conversation, dreams...all shared in anticipation of 2019.

In the midst of December, we sat down to honestly reflect on the past year and to share how the Lord was tugging on our hearts individually. Then we began to dream together as we asked God to reveal to us His vision for our ministry.

We both felt an overwhelming urge to SERVE, to pour hearts out for you, dear friend. To foster growth in our own lives and in yours. But how? And then, towards the end of our call, there was a little gasp of excitement. We kept finding the same thread interwoven in every part of our conversation…

The word NURTURE.


There’s much that can be said on growing our relationships with God, on allowing His vision to drive our lives, on living with purpose. But there’s perhaps no more intimate word than NURTURE.

As a mother nurtures a newborn, as a gardener nurtures a plant from its infancy, so the Lord nurtures our hearts and souls. He tends to us patiently, tenderly, continually.

No area of our lives escapes His attention. No need goes unnoticed. The aches of our hearts are seen, known, and lovingly addressed.

Each month of this year, we are going to focus our attention on a different aspect of our lives or hearts that requires not only His nurturing care, but our own as well. Because when we nurture each aspect of our lives, we live today well.

And so, this is what you can expect from us this year – greater authenticity, more resources geared towards fostering growth in EACH aspect of your life, an abundance of prayer, and humble, continual invitations to join us in diving in deeper.  

Over the next few months, we’ll be exploring this theme of nurturing through these lenses:

February – Nurturing silence & rest

March – Nurturing our relationships with God

April – Nurturing a deeper understanding of our identity & what it means to love ourselves

May – Nurturing our relationships with others

We are sharing these themes with you because we want to invite you to join us on this journey, dear sister. To chime in with your own voice, your own wisdom, your own life experiences. Because your voice matters. Your story matters. We want to know how the Lord is nurturing and growing YOU, too.

Come discuss these themes on Instagram or Facebook with us, shoot us an e-mail with your thoughts, and join us in prayerful reflection. There is room for all at the table.

And friend - please know that we are praying for you, today and every day.

XOXO Kara and Mary

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