Prayer Life Reset: Scheduling Time in Our Busy Days for Prayer

Not only were most of our daily routines already nonexistent due to COVID-19, but giving birth to our second baby in the beginning of the summer and having a 15 month old toddler running around simultaneously really does not help me feel like there is “free time” in the day to set aside for prayer. During the day, if there was any quiet time or nap time, I found myself racing through my to do list of laundry, dishes, and picking up toys. I never invited the Lord into that time. For me, if the time or space to pray did not meet my ideals of “perfect,” I would put off time with the Lord indefinitely.

This is not what matters to the Lord though.  The Lord desires our hearts wherever we are in life, no matter how chaotic our day or disorganized our prayer space may be.   

As we enter into the Fall and reset our schedules and routines, scheduling in time to pray and sticking to it no matter how we feel is step one. Finding time to pray with two babies might not always look like quiet, structured prayer time. It might look like praying during snack time, watching the toddler run around the house with my rosary, begging God for wisdom and patience while on an important phone call, or offering up all the loads of laundry being folded. 

Although my prayer life looks much different now than it did before I was married with little children, I can set a routine to pray and structure my day around the Lord to ensure that He remains a priority even when life happens. In order to help me set my routine, I outlined several things that keep me accountable in my own prayer life. I encourage you to use some of these ideas yourself if you feel you struggle with finding time in your day to pray. 

Annie Gagliardi, @candidlycomposed

Annie Gagliardi, @candidlycomposed

  1. Don’t pick up your phone until after spending time in prayer to start off the day.

  2. Set an alarm to wake up at a specific time each morning and commit that time for Jesus- scheduling time just as you would any other appointment helps you stick to this! 

  3. Read Scripture daily- I personally try to read one chapter a day!

  4. Instead of watching TV, have a stack of books on the lives of Saints to read during down time.

  5. While doing chores around the house, say a Divine Mercy Chaplet or Rosary and offer it up for a specific intention.

  6. When in the car listen to Catholic podcasts. I personally enjoy Let Love with the Sisters of Life or Poco a Poco with the Fransiscan Friars of the Renewal.

Your prayer time might not look “perfect” to you, but it is the intentional time that you are inviting the Lord into your day that matters. Just as our friends and family love us at our best and worst days, so does the Lord. Even if it has been days, weeks or months since you had intentional time with the Lord, He has not left your side.  We should always pour our heart out to Him and He will always love us - even if getting through the Rosary takes a full day. 


Meet Mary Mailloux

Mary Mailloux resides on Long Island with her husband and two kids. There is nothing that brings her more joy than being home with her children and seeing the world through their eyes. Her favorite place is on the beach with a cup of coffee. In her free time, she loves baking treats for her family & friends, going to Met games with her husband, or curling up with a good book. You can connect with Mary on Instagram @marykatemailloux.

Kara Becker