Meet the 2020-2021 VOICES team

“The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” ― St. Therese of Lisieux

Old, young, tall, short, extroverted, introverted, cradle catholic or convert… we all have unique stories to tell. Each one of our lives forms its own, stunning yet different tapestry as we walk with the Lord. He speaks to our hearts and romances us intentionally… personally...deeply. Though our personalities and journeys with the Lord may be unique to each one of us, our love of Him and desire to draw nearer to Him remains the same. And our stories, our unique pathways of encountering the risen Lord, matter.

As we launch into a new school year, we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you to the writers behind this ministry. Though God is the core of Live Today Well and the reason behind all that we do, these women form the heart of this humble ministry.

Some of our writers are new this year, while others are returning to serve you for a second year. Some of them are headed off to college for the first time, while others are finding themselves in an transitional season of life as their jobs change or children move out the home. Regardless of what season of life they find themselves in, each of these women are offering us a gift - the gift of themselves. As they open up their hearts and lives, their stories each month highlight how God has been transforming them from the inside out.

Below, you’ll find a short introduction to each woman on the 2020-2021 VOICES Team! We invite you to cover these women in prayer, as they in turn, pray for you, too. Together, as one collective, let us all support and encourage one another, that we may point each other towards heaven.



Connect with Hope on Instagram @kitchen_house_studio.


Meet Barbie Bauer

“Being a homemaker of three children ages three and under has its challenges. I am currently trying to figure out that sweet spot on how to praise God among the dishes. I am a former homeschooler who loves natural living and ethical shopping and could talk about it all day. I’m not perfect at it but I try!”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Praying the Morning Offering first thing really helps orient my soul before the daily grind of the day. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?  He’s been teaching me how to become a flower in His garden. Beautiful, unique, different, but so truly loved and cared for.

Connect with Barbie on Instagram @barbievbauer.

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“I’m a Seattle-based writer and mom of two young boys. After I finished my Russian Lit PhD, I moved into writing about creativity and spirituality and have never looked back (though I still love Dostoevsky, of course!). My first book of prayers, A Consoling Embrace: Prayers for a Time of Pandemic, was published this May. I love nature walks, cooking, painting, and reading, and our sagging bookshelves are a testament to that!”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? I realize this will sound scandalous to some, the afternoons when I microwave my leftover morning coffee, I add...heavy whipping cream. It is a decadent delight, and it gets me though the witching hour!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? It sounds so simple, but I have been trying to pay more attention to my feelings and motivations and responses to things. I try to take a step back from my immediate experience and get a broader view of what is happening in my heart. I ask God to look with me, and to reveal to me how my heart can be continually purified, made more loving and more holy.

Connect with Cameron on Instagram @krugthethinker.



“I am a 28 year old registered nurse learning to seek God in the present moment while living out the single life. Journeying with my patients in the areas of hemodialysis and labour & delivery has allowed me to see how God has, and continues, to bring meaning to pain and suffering.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Currently I am trying to create more of a work-life balance; having a daily planner that can fit into my purse and in which I can quickly jot things down in has been a great help with this!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been revealing his identity as a faithful, protective, loving Father in my life. A Father who is ever present as I attempt to navigate the journey of not yet living out my state of life vocation.

Connect with Jessica on Instagram @jess18768.



 “I am a mom of 16 year old triplets, a wife to my best friend, and a dog mom to my 10 year old mini-goldendoodle. I work part time at a small Christian liberal arts college, Hope College, as the director of a mentoring program for students who are underrepresented in the sciences and I teach a couple of classes.  I love to hike, read, sip tea and lattes and I recently became a certified spiritual director.  I am passionate about social justice.” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? I have been journeying closely with Saint Benedict for a few years and am amazed at what he has to teach me on a regular basis.  

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?The humility and attentiveness required to kneel low.  

Connect with Anna on Instagram @annabonnema.

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Meet Kathryn Casey

“I am a wife of 11 years, mother of five on earth and three in Heaven, reporter and Assignment Editor for a local community newspaper promoting the positive press, author of Journey in Love: A Catholic Mother’s Prayers after Prenatal Diagnosis and the upcoming, Peace in Pregnancy: Devotions for the Expectant Mother. I hold a BA  in Psychology from the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota and a MS in Clinical Psychology from the Institute for the Psychological Sciences (now Divine Mercy University). But rather than than change the world and make money at the same time, I spend my days as a housewife, gardening a cut flower garden to try to make the world a little more beautiful, homeschooling (to try to teach my children to do the same), navigating my son’s complex medical care, and cleaning up the kitchen after my husband cooks creatively.” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? To bring a spirit of festivity to life as often as we can. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The path to holiness lies in discovering what God has for us in the present moment. 

Connect with Kathryn on Instagram @kathrynannecasey.


Meet Madison Chastain

“I just received my Master’s Degree in theology and ethics from the University of Chicago’s Divinity School, and am just starting my first full-time job. Life without school is going to be quite odd, but I am so very excited about the incredible work I am getting to do, and the relationships I get to water and grow. Not to mention, reading for fun again!”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? After almost 3 years of long-distance, having my boyfriend in Chicago with me these past few months has provided me with so much joy and excitement for our future. The simple joys of evening card games and coffee together before work, no pre-scheduled video chats or factoring in time zones required, have brought a breeze back into my daily life. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Accurate prediction of the future is impossible. Entrusting what will be to the Lord, while working every day to delight in what I presently have, is my most challenging and meaningful practice. 

Connect with Madison on Instagram @maddsienicole or on her blog

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Meet Annabella Christensen

“I’m a senior at Christendom College earning my B.A. in Theology, serving as a Resident Assistant, and working as Project Manager in the Student Life Office. Caught between adulthood and care-free living, I’m learning to prepare for my future while still enjoying my last year of being a young college student.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Deep and personal conversations with loved ones never fail to refresh my soul.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Absolutely everything is in God’s hands and His entire plan is for me to live in happiness with Him. Having some things be out of my control is not a reason to fear, but something to rejoice in because the most important assets of my life are in better hands than mine. 

Connect with Annabella on Instagram @annabellachristensen.



“I’m a Kansas City native in my mid-30s, and I am delighted to celebrate nine years of marriage this fall. I work full time on the administrative staff of my church, and I am also a spiritual director. I’m a non-athlete turned avid fitness enthusiast who also has a sweet tooth and loves to bake sweets and sourdough in my free time.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter?  Making time for movement each morning (whether it’s a 45 minute work out or even just a 10-minute mobility routine).  I find that tending to my body first thing helps quiet any anxious thoughts, and ends up creating more space in my mind and heart for prayer and being present to God later in the day. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Recent times have stripped away much of my routine and made me feel a little distant from God.  As I have been drawing near to the Lord again in new ways, and slowly building new rhythms and routine, I see how the Lord has been near to me through it all.  Seeing how God is always at work in my life, even when I feel like I’ve drifted a bit, is such a comfort and an inspiration to pursue Jesus every day.

Connect with Sarah on Instagram @bluebirdiekc.


Meet Ashton Decker Kelly

 “My husband, Mark, and I are in the midst of transitioning to life as a mother of two little girls! It’s humbling to be given such a wonderful gift but also frustrating, emotional and chaotic all at once. We’re learning how to mesh our schedules, make time for each other individually and as a family. In this moment, we’re all right where we need to be and it feels really good to just live in the moment.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Agave in my iced latte every morning. So good. Try it. I promise you, it’s the perfect amount of sweet without being overboard.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me how to heal. We just welcomed our second daughter and I was really nervous going into it after all of the postpartum complications I had with our first. Like, I had an anointing of the sick scheduled and wouldn’t you know, I went into labor on my own the day before. Talk about trusting in God’s plan and handing it over to him. Since bringing her home, it’s been such a beautiful journey of letting the love we have from welcoming a new baby into the dark places that needed light.

Connect with Ashton on Instagram @ashdecks.

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Meet Sarah Dingler

“I’m a full-time youth minister, clinical psychology student and ABA therapist. I love working with kiddos and their families in all walks of life. I am also actively discerning the sacrament of marriage with my boyfriend of many years, so I ask for prayers please.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter?

During these trying times, I have challenged myself to find joy in new and creative ways. Some of these things include spontaneous picnics, trying new recipes and finding new ways of prayer.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?

The Lord is constantly telling me to rest. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and it is our responsibility to take care of them and sometimes that just means to slow down. Taking time to be fully present in the sacrament of the present moment. 

Connect with Sarah on Instagram @saritapauu



“Mr. Eaton and I just celebrated our 35th anniversary (with a beach walk, drive-thru cheeseburgers, and an IOU for a fabulous, future, post-Covid vacation!)  I’m embracing retirement and pursuing my writing career.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? FaceTime, Zoom, etc. are making life sweeter by letting us connect with our 4 grown sons, their beautiful wives, and our 4 grandchildren.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Recently God has been teaching me to choose worship over worry and to find the treasures and beauty He has hidden in His Word.

Connect with Maureen on Instagram @maureenaeaton.

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I’m a 20-something wife of four years, and stay-at-home mama to my toddler daughter, with baby no. 2 on the way! You’ll find me wearing linen dresses, baking (and eating) sourdough bread, with my nose stuck in a historical fiction book. I’ve watched The Office too many times to count, and each time I still laugh out loud.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Lately when I wake up, the first thing I do before getting out of bed is say, “good morning, God!” (Sometimes it comes out more like, “good God, it’s morning…”) I also do a few quick stretches to get the knots out of my back, and I start my day feeling limber and ready for anything!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been reminding me that He manifests Himself in the small, whispering breeze. Prayer doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, the best prayer is found in simple words and tiny actions.

Connect with Marissa on Instagram @stella_maris_prints.


Meet Ginger Giesen

“I am 61yo and have been married for 32 years, I have 4 adult kids, 3 are married , and 4 grandchildren. I am a Catholic convert of 20 years. I received a MA in theology from the Augustine Institute 7 years ago then worked at the Institute and in a Church for a total of 6 years. Now I lead small group studies for women, write and lead retreats.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter?  Just a year and a half ago, during a particularly difficult time I started going to adoration pretty much every day and journaling my conversations with Jesus.  No matter what I was feeling I just wrote out my thoughts and His guidance.  I never “got” adoration before. I certainly “get” it now. This time with Jesus has been a lifesaver for me. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? That He knows my heart and He has some interesting plans for me.

Connect with Ginger on Instagram @ggiesen_truthbeautygoodness.

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Meet Rebecca Go-Oco

“Having spent most of my life in California or in the Philippines, I never knew that there was a difference between fall and winter (SNOW!) until I moved to IL on my own in 2017.  I am a recent MPH and MS in Nutrition and Wellness graduate from Benedictine University, and I am currently discerning the vocation of marriage with my boyfriend of 2+ years (prayers please!).  I currently work full time as a contractor for a pharmaceutical company in Chicago, I am taking online classes to become a health coach in 2021, and I spend a lot of my time outside of work leading a young adult group (Singles for Christ) under our overall umbrella family Ministry (Couples for Christ) through small group discussions with men and women around my age. “ 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? One thing that is making my life a little sweeter right now are high waisted leggings and tank tops.  These have quickly become my office wear since we were required to work from home during quarantine.  The leggings have very quickly become a staple in my closet and I couldn’t imagine anything more comfy to pair with a cup of coffee.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently One thing that God has been teaching me recently is to “embrace the present moment”. I am constantly on the go - learning something through some online class, looking for ways to fill up my calendar and boost my resume, but created a feeling of constant comparison and envy towards those I think “have more”.  I have recently been feeling in my heart to embrace what I have and love where I am, right now.  It is still a work in progress for my heart, but when I take the time to be present, I feel a soothing peace of heart and mind.

Connect with Rebecca on Instagram @rebecca.mg13.


Meet Matea Gregg

“I am 23 years old and currently serve the Catholic Diocese of Salina as the Communications Coordinator. I spend my free time binge watching Netflix, drinking iced coffee, and doing shows at our local community theatre. I love to share my Catholic faith with all I encounter and strive to spread joy everywhere I go!”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? I love grabbing an iced coffee before work and going to daily mass with my boyfriend. In this time of uncertainty a little coffee and a whole lot of Jesus can make my day so much better!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?God has been teaching me to look for little joys each day. It is so easy for us to look at the news and social media and see all the brokenness and negativity in our world, but by looking for the joys in each day I have found it is easier to stay positive and focused on finding how God continues to bless my life each and every day!

Connect with Matea on Instagram @matea_gregg225.

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Meet Rebecca Hamilton

“Hello! I am a wife and mother of two children, ages 3.5 and 1. I work full-time, normally outside the home, but like many, I am working from home currently. We live with my husband's lovely sister who also works as our au-pair. We are catechists at our Greek-Catholic (Byzantine Rite) church and also serve on various church committees. Weekends range from cleaning the house all weekend (trying to be real here!) or outdoor adventures kayaking or hiking. Pre-COVID days, our family saw hospitality as a way to build community and frequently invited people into our home.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making your life a little sweeter? For parenting, focusing on connection and relationship over compliance has helped me to really see my children's s whole person instead of just seeing them as a set of behaviors I must control.

What’s one thing that God has been teaching you recently? That He has a plan. And that my role is to trust and let go of the worry.

Connect with Rebecca on Instagram @bairntenaya.

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Meet Liv Harrison

“I’m a Louisiana girl living her best life in Texas! By the grace of God I met the hottest guy I know in high school, married him 20 years ago, and we are raising two ridiculously incredible people that we made. The last two years I have been a professional speaker, emcee, radio & podcast host, and creator of the most unique Catholic Women’s Conference named...Genius.” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Intermittent fasting has made quarantine bearable because I have lost 30 pounds which is super sweet to me! 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me that He isn’t going anywhere, no matter how hard I try to ignore Him or push Him away. 

Connect with Liv on Instagram @thelivharrison.

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Meet Lindsay Hankinson

“I’m a cradle catholic, daughter, sister, sister in law, godmother, aunt, and a volunteer.”

One thing, habit, or idea that’s been making my life a little sweeter? I’ve started getting a daily routine with a planner, and I’ve started incorporating prayer, my devotional, walking, reading, and journaling into each day.

One thing God has been teaching me recently? One thing God has been teaching me lately is more of a prayer life, but also to take better care of myself. I’ve started a lower carb, lower sugar lifestyle.

Connect with Lindsay on Instagram at @lindsayhankinson.

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Meet Katie Kibbe

 “I’m a cradle Catholic, native Texan, new Ohioan, and married to the boy I met in Spanish class one summer at University of Texas. Our son is in law school and our daughter at Wake Forest. I’ve been gathering women around tables, writing Scripture studies, and encouraging women to find their particular calling for the past 10 years.” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? My writing mastermind has made this year so much better than I could have imagined. Being in conversation with other writers on an almost daily basis has been so life giving. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I am learning about the price paid for remaining silent on matters of importance to our soul. 

Connect with Katie on Instagram @Katie_Kibbe.

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Meet Mary Katherine Leaf

“I’m currently living life to the fullest in the baby-city of Charlotte, NC. After being a professional pastry chef for several years, I have decided to switch things up and go back to school for Occupational Therapy. I also discerned religious life very seriously for almost a decade, but after much discernment I think God is calling me to dedicated my life to him in another way, and I’ve been dating a (very incredible) guy for about a month now.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? I work part time as a nanny for two cute little girls under the age of three, and I’m always struck by the innocence and optimism small children have. Sometimes us adults are too heads-down with work and life to stop and smell the roses, and I appreciate the fresh perspective kids bring to the world. Children are truly some of God’s greatest gifts.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? There have been a lot of dark and worrying things happening in our world recently, and it has been very tempting to want to give up hope. But through it all God has blessed me at the right times with people and opportunities that were as incredible as they were un-looked for. Even in the darkest of times, God is always with us and protecting us as only a Father could. 

Connect with Mary Katherine on Instagram @pastry_pastimes.


Meet Heather Lebano

“I'm Heather. I enjoy lingering over good coffee, long meaningful conversations especially about faith, and spending time in my garden and outdoors. With the past 20 years being focused on raising our 4 children (2 who I am now homeschooling) rooted in faith, we are now seeing the fruits of our labor of love as they begin to discover their gifts and dream about the possibilities of their future. As my youngest is becoming more independent, my husband and I are enjoying how this season reveals the Sacrament of Marriage's continued grace while we embrace the moments right in front of us.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Taking daily morning walks for miles with the guy I fell for (the moment I met him) 30 years ago, as we chat about the litany of things that make us laugh, reduce us to tears and bring us to prayer, has been fuel for my soul.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been graciously revealing that gifts and grace can still be found in difficult times. An overwhelming supernatural peace can be present if we surrender and trust God's plan and timing for our lives.

Connect with Heather on Instagram @houseofloveandlaughterblog.

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Meet Jamie Leverette

“I’m currently at a big turning point in my life and am trying to figure out what the next steps of my career will be. I‘m a Catholic convert and I’m looking forward to growing in and sharing my faith through writing.  I’m continuously trying to grow in my faith and strengthen my ability to love and hope fearlessly.

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? During the last couple of months I’ve been finding myself turning to Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem “Go to the Limits of Your Longing,” particularly the lines “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.

Just keep going. No feeling is final, Don’t let yourself lose me.” I often find myself looking at my present situation, thoughts, and feelings as never-ending.  This poem reminds me that all of my current sorrows are temporary and to not to lose faith or hope in what God is setting up for my future.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?To not be afraid of my own voice.  I’ve spent much of my life trying to go unnoticed in fear of being seen or heard.  Recently God has been showing me that my thoughts and experiences are valuable and are meant to be shared.

Connect with Jame on Instagram @jleverette94.

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Meet Mary Mailloux

“I’m 26 years old, born and raised on Long Island, and I have been married to my husband for just over two years. We have two kids under 2, a boy and a girl. These days are spent drinking lots of coffee while I discover the world through the kids’ eyes.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? As a mom of 2 under 2, having any type of quiet time during the day is hard to find. In the morning, before the kids wake up, I have been spending time in prayer which has started my day off with immense peace and joy. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me that His plans are greater than my own. Letting go of my own plans and trusting in Him more has shown me greater joy than I could have imagined in my day to day life. 

Connect with Mary on Instagram @marykatemailloux.


Meet Katie Marquette

“I’m 28 years old, married to my college sweetheart, and we both converted to Catholicism two years ago. I recently left my radio producing job to work with my husband on our gardening business. We live on a few acres we call Shire Farm with a lot of ridiculous, loveable animals.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? I struggle with routine, especially during hot summer months (my least favorite weather), so I am trying to get into a routine of prayer, reading, gardening, cleaning, etc. Listening to beautiful movie soundtracks (as random as that sounds) makes daily chores a bit more lovely and epic. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Trust, patience, and that good art and good books redeem almost everything. 

Connect with Katie on Instagram @born.of.wonder.


Meet Victoria Mastrangelo

“I am a wife, mother of 3 girls (5, 3, and 2), and a high school theology teacher. My husband is working on growing his coffee roasting business and I have been working on my writing, so we’re in a creative season while also trying to raise 3 very rambunctious girls.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? My 5 and 3 year olds take a long time to settle down for their naps and I used to spend that time impatiently waiting or arguing with them. Since we’ve been home during the pandemic, I have started to pray the rosary instead during that time. I lay down with them, praying silently, and it has had a great calming effect both on myself and the girls as they fall asleep. I dedicate one decade to each of my 3 girls and for things that our family currently need. I have found this practice to help me not only be calm for the day but to anchor my parenting in our perfect mother asking her to take on the areas in which I’m lacking. It also sometimes makes me laugh to think of Mary trying to put toddler Jesus down for a nap to ease my frustration :)  

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Aside from all of the added stress of the world right now, we’re living with my parents while my husband grows his business and we live off of my teacher salary. I have always been a planner and so I think that God is using this time to teach me patience, perseverance, and mostly to trust in Him and let go of any sense of control. 

Connect with Victoria on Instagram @vimastrangelo.


Meet Rakhi McCormick

Hi! I'm Rakhi, wife to Tim and mama of three young children, currently living in the metro Detroit area. I currently run on coffee as I try to keep up with my two kids who just started 3rd and 4th grades and the youngest who we are "homeschooling" for pre-K, all while working for our parish and trying to manage a creative business as well. The home is messy, but our hearts and hands are full (and also messy).

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? In a dry season spiritually, I have found a lot of peace recently going back and re-reading my old journals. To see where God has led me, where I have been, the patterns that emerge has brought some peace in a time where things are profoundly chaotic. I've also begun re-reading Church documents and keeping up with the homilies from Pope Francis which remind me of the beauty and depth our faith has to offer us in its totality.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Listen more. I love to bound in with grand ideas and opinions, but I keep hearing the Lord tell me to listen more and surrender what I hear to the discernment of the Holy Spirit. What I am finding is that there is a wealth of wisdom in listening to people's stories, and it is one of the only ways we can keep our discussions of all the issues rooted in the dignity of every human.

Connect with Rakhi on Instagram @rakstardesigns.


Meet Becca Michaels

“I’m an undergrad student at the University of Alabama studying to become a speech-language pathologist. My native language is sarcasm, I love to joke that my true home is a library, and I love music, reading and writing books, and swing dancing.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter?I’ve started a plan to read through the Bible in a year, and starting my morning with a bit of Scripture has made my mornings much more peaceful and centered around Christ.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God’s been teaching me the importance of patience and true surrender to Him in all things- tough lessons but ones I know will bring me much closer to Him moving forward!

Connect with Becca on Instagram @michaelsbecca.


Meet Katlyn Michaels

“I live in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania with my cat, Martina, and my slowly growing collection of house plants. I recently received my master’s degree in social work and started my first job as an outpatient mental health and substance abuse therapist. I’m in a season of cultivating deeper theological understanding of our Church. I reverted to the Catholic Church in 2016 after 7 years of agnosticism and atheism.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? I’ve started making my own espresso at home. I love waking up in the morning, doing my morning offering, and drinking a fresh latte. Centering my morning on Jesus has been a game changer for me. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? How vast and beautiful the communion of Saints is, and how He is calling each of us to that communion. 

Connect with Katlyn on Instagram @livinginagape.

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“I am a new wife (I am marrying my husband on St. Teresa of Calcutta’s feast day, September 5, 2020), an editor, and a writer. I was raised Catholic but had somewhat of a reversion in my 20s, and I love learning more about the Church and deepening my faith. My favorite saints are Sts. Thérèse of Lisieux, Joseph, Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein), Teresa of Calcutta, and Zelie Martin.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Leading up to my wedding, I read St. Zelie’s letters and “The Reed of God” by Caryll Houselander. Zelie was delightfully funny and tenderhearted, and “The Reed of God” was a beautifully written portrayal of Mary. Both definitely sweetened my life!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Early in 2020, I decided my “word of the year” was detachment. Even before COVID-19, God was teaching me to detach from my own desires (by not granting some of them!); then, planning a wedding during a pandemic was a very effective way to learn to focus on what really matters.

Connect with Taryn on Instagram @taryn_oesch.

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“I am a convert to Catholicism, a full time Campus Minister at a local Catholic high school, mama to two lovely little ladies under 5, and divorced. I love to laugh, read, write, be creative and find joy in the small things. I also love wildflowers, succulents, travelling, having the occasional IPA and long conversations with friends. The Blessed Mother is my very best friend, because I talk to her everyday about everything, and Therese of Lisieux is a close second!”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Every day, morning and night, my girls and I recite affirmations together that are based on the fruits of the Spirit (ie: I am loving, I am patient, I am kind, I am peaceful, etc.). That makes my life super sweet at the moment because my littles also like to add on other things, like “I am brave, I am strong.” It’s pure joy to hear them speak life into who they are!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? As a Catholic going through an unwanted divorce, God has been teaching me that all is gift, and the giver is good. Even the hard things serve their purpose and I am not abandoned, forsaken, or any less loved because of my circumstances. 

Connect with Eileen on Instagram @franciseileenperez.



“I’m a wife and a mother of two, currently juggling motherhood, homeschooling for the first time, and a full-time job due to the pandemic. I’m a cradle Catholic who feels like I know a lot and so little at the same time. Trying to stay rooted in prayer, frequenting the sacraments, and recalling what I’m grateful for keeps my head well above water.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter?Conversations with my kids. Their purity and unconditional love bring us so much joy.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? “Run to Me.” Life has been so hard as you could imagine, so the “run to Me” whispers in my prayer time teaches me to be still, to rest, and to act according to His will.

Connect with Fatima on Instagram @theperezhomestead.

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Meet Sydney Phillips

“I am a wife and stay at home mama with my sweet 1 year old boy. As we prepared for my husband’s graduation and our move, we have really been treasuring our time in this place and with these friends. In my free time I am a YoungLife Leader for our parish’s middle and high school girls, I am constantly reading new books (especially anything by Bob Goff), and I love doing freehand calligraphy!”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? My little family has been spending as much time outside as possible and it has been so good for the soul. We have been hiking and going to parks and it has been so wonderful.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is always teaching me patience (the life of the parent of a toddler), but in this time of my life He has just been calling me to trust Him more and really listen to the Holy Spirit and watch His movement in my life. 

Connect with Sydney on Instagram @sydneyraephillips.


Meet Krizia Rocha

“I am a simple gal- an ordinary woman on an extraordinary woman on a mission to get to heaven dancing...maybe to some salsa. I am a proud Mexican-American, born and raised in Los Angeles and now a Self-Worth Mindset Coach with The Woman School as well as a speaker. For 4 years I spent my time as a missionary doing various kinds of work; I have a heart for women, love and health among many other things.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making your life a little sweeter? The habit of courage! The small decisions to step out in faith has been helping me slowly transform my own self-worth, relationship and life vision. 

What’s one thing that God has been teaching you recently?  "Let me surprise you". I love surprises, I love change, I love life and He knows it. So he makes sure to let me know in little ways that He is always wanting to pursue my heart by speaking my love language!

Connect with Krizia on Instagram @kikiiithebrave.

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MEET René Schulze

“I am in a very exciting season of life as I am currently engaged to be married in December 2020 and I could not be more thrilled! I can sense God is going to teach me so much about myself, my soon-to-be spouse, and His Goodness through married life. Professionally, I work in foster care and adoption and I am looking into starting graduate school next year to continue in social services. Lately, I’ve been enjoying moving my body through exercise, reading spiritual books, baking from my Great British Bake Off cookbook, and my newest hobby of macrame!” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Growing with my fiancé through wedding planning and marriage prep.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? To love myself exactly as I am, in the body I have, and with the qualities that make me unique. 

Connect with René on Instagram @ohhey.rene.

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Meet Katie Sherman

“The season of life I am in is one of adventure. I recently graduated in May and moved from Alabama to work as a FOCUS missionary at the University of Louisville. I am living life with my team and students, while encountering the Lord’s goodness, providence, and love.” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Making sourdough bread! The process is slow and it forces me to stop moving so quickly as well as appreciate the food I’m making. I also love thinking about the yeast being us, expanding and filling the world with love. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?He has been teaching me that He truly does know and love me better than anyone else, and that He wants to prove it to me by the little gifts He gives throughout the day.

Connect with Katie on Instagram @kmaries23.



“I am a sophomore at Benedictine college in Kansas, and I am enjoying this time to grow in self-knowledge and virtue.” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? My new idea for this season is to embrace and love my mornings as a way to set up my day to receive the Lord’s love!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? My word of the year is receive, and I am continually opening myself to ways that He is teaching me to receive - whether that be an amazing college class, a cup of coffee, or authentic community.

Connect with Olivia on Instagram @catholicgirltalk.


Meet Samantha Spargo

“I am a wife and mother of 4 plus a little one in heaven. I love to get lost in thrift stores, drink strong coffee and travel with my family! I believe wholeheartedly that God has written a beautiful story for each of us--all we need to do is give Him our YES, even when it's hard or scary, because His generosity cannot be outdone.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? I have been trying to walk and pray in the evening, alone. It has been so good for my soul!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has impressed upon my heart to sit in the stillness and quiet moments of motherhood. To treasure the simple joys and marvelous works of children. To be more fully present for the big moments and small.

Connect with Samantha on Instagram @samanthaspargo.


Meet Adrienne Stravitsch

“I am an Army wife married to my sweet husband for eleven years now; we have four beautiful children. I homeschool them all, which I absolutely love. When I’m not teaching or loving on my family, I can be found writing or with my nose in a book. “

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Lately, I’ve been making my writing more of a priority. Writing fills me and heals me; it’s how I process life. Giving myself the freedom to spend more time on that has been life-giving. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has really been pushing me to focus on compassion and empathy within my family and the world. Listening to hear, not to respond and taking in others thoughts to appreciate them before formulating my disagreement has taught me so much about loving others. 


Meet Julia Strukely

“I discerned religious life in my 20s and have been satisfactorily single for most of my 30s. I am looking forward to what the next phase or vocation the Lord has for me. I love karaoke, wine, pop music, art, and my job as a teacher.” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Currently having some extra time to pray and journal in the morning since I’m a teacher and it’s officially summer!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? That we are never done learning and that the Holy Spirit moves in ways we don’t expect but need. 

Connect with Julia on Instagram @julz422.


Meet Catherine Sullivan

“I’m a millennial wife, mom of two little girls, and high school teacher from Maryland. I consider myself an outgoing introvert who is passionate about the power of strong female friendships and the importance of growing in faith that does justice. When I get a few minutes to myself, I like to read just about anything I can get my hands on, bake a new recipe, or watch Parks and Recreation with my husband.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter?’ I’ve recently recommitted to making my health a priority by spending 30 minutes every day moving my body. Right now I’m just walking on our treadmill, but I hope to run my first 5K in a long time this fall. A little exercise has already gone a long way to making me feel stronger mentally and physically!  

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?I’m learning how to lay my burdens down at the foot of the cross. Asking God for help -- and relying on Him -- when I’m faced with a problem or decision has been so freeing! 

Connect with Catherine on Instagram @catherinesullivanwrites.



“I am a wife to a wonderful man and mother to two little ones and another on the way. Painting and doodling are my favorite ways to pray. You can either find me with a paintbrush in my hand, a babe in my arms, or behind a good book.”

One thing, habit or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Writing down sweet moments of my kids has been making my life sweeter because I know they will not be little this long. Their innocence and pure joy is such a great witness for me.

One thing God has been teaching me recently? God has been reminding me that He is in the everyday, mundane moments of life. As long as I make myself little and glorify Him in the little things, He can do big things in my life. 

Connect with Malia on Instagram @belovedblessedart.


MEET Megan Turland 

“I’m a daughter of God, wife to Benjamin and mother to three little ones 4 and under. I try each day to seek and cultivate truth, beauty and goodness.” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Recently I committed to doing something creative each day that’s outside my normal rhythms. It has been bringing me so much joy and has had a ripple effect to all aspects of my life. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? No matter what we are living we can always find joy.

Connect with Megan on Instagram @_thegoodsoil.


Meet Bianca Villatoro

“Hi everyone! So happy to be a part of this beautiful community of women in the faith, and look forward to meeting you all. I am 23, a DC Native, and a Cradle Catholic. I was also lapsed in the faith for 21 years of my life. Thanks be to God, I was transformed and renewed when a FOCUS missionary at my college campus took me in and paved “the way” (His way) for me to follow. Fast forward two years later, I find myself missioning to other young women, evangelizing, and making disciples of all nations through @BlessedIsShe’s DC Bible Study that I created, meaningful friendships, fellowship, and spiritual truth. I am ready to take on Jesus’ mission for us to make disciples of all nations and bring His kingdom to earth.”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? I  am a professional Dancer and enjoy creating, moving & grooving, and collaborating with other artists during my free time! :)

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Vulnerability. God has been teaching me to be more vulnerable and honest with myself, in my relationships, and with Him--He sees and knows it all, and is just waiting for me to let Him heal my wounds and become renewed in His mercy and love.

Connect with Bianca on Instagram @Beloved.Bianca.

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Meet Angelenedeep Kaur Vishie

“I love to dream with God because we both love to dream big (obviously He goes crazier with it). Because of this, I love to encourage people to respond to God’s invitation to dream with Him. I’m in a whole new beginning of a chapter so I am ready to say yes in each and every invitation to live like a normal Catholic (normal as in St. Paul and the apostles normal).” 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Learning to use a productivity tool like Trello has helped me to stay focused and discipline with my work. I found so much more extra time.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Trusting Him faithfully by being aware of His presence. This never gets old.

Connect with Anju on Instagram


Meet Lexie Wasinger

“I am a Kansas native currently living in Portland, OR! I am pursuing a masters degree in Theology and working as an apprentice in youth ministry and religious education at a local parish! I love that I am able to serve the youth in this area, as well as build community with other women!”

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? I have been blessed to spend lots of time in the beautiful scenery that the Pacific Northwest has to offer! This stunning scenery has been so life giving and it has encouraged me to embrace silence and wonder in my prayer life. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been gently teaching me that reliance on him is so very necessary when navigating the uncertainty of daily life. I have undergone a number of changes in the last six weeks and through it all, surrendering my weakness to his powerful yet gentle hands has been necessary and  a source of comfort. 

Connect with Lexie on Instagram @heylexiekay.

We are truly so grateful for all of these women for their “YES” to joining the VOICES Team.

If you’d like to know more about our VOICES Team members, you can find their full bios on the “Our Story & Team” page of our website.

We look forward to continuing to grow in holiness with you, dear sister... Here’s to the beautiful things God has in store for us all!


Kara & Mary

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