Meet the Photography Team

There is nothing like a stained glass window - the dazzling tones of azure, emerald, and royal purple set alight by the shimmering golden light. Each color remains distinctly beautiful on its own, twinkling in the light, but when you put them together? A masterpiece.

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord;  and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.  To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good…All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses.” - 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 11

Just like the pieces of a stained glass window, each one of us possess distinct attributes that reflect something different of God. Together, we compose a beautiful picture that speaks to the careful intricacies of His design, of His nature.

This year, we’re thrilled to expand our ministry team by inviting women to express their encounters with the Lord through a different medium. While the pen is certainly mighty, the power of imagery in sparking reflection and prayer cannot be understated. Intentionally composed photographs invite us to step into a specific snapshot of time, to recognize and lean into God’s presence in a unique way. Sometimes photos encourage us to see things from a different perspective or angle. Other times photos highlight the beauty in the mundane, the extraordinary present in the ordinary.

Today, we’re humbled and grateful to introduce you to our 8 new photographers, women whose hearts are filled with zeal for God. Their intentionally crafted photographs are in themselves a form of prayer. As their photographs appear in your social media feeds, in your e-mail boxes, and on this blog, they invite you to encounter the living God through a different lens.

Below, you’ll find a short introduction to each woman who is serving you as part of our new Photography Team!! We invite you to cover these women in prayer, as they in turn, pray for you, too. Together, as daughters of God, let us seek to support and encourage one another, that we may point each other towards heaven.

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MEET Barbie Bauer

Being a homemaker of three children ages three and under has its challenges. I am currently trying to figure out that sweet spot on how to praise God among the dishes. I’m a former homeschooler who loves natural living and ethical shopping and could talk about it all day. I’m not perfect at it but I try!”

My favorite thing about photography? Capturing milestones and sacraments knowing I’m part of a family’s history making.

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Praying the Morning Offering first thing really helps orient my soul before the daily grind of the day. 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? He’s been teaching me how to become a flower in His garden. Beautiful, unique, different, but so truly loved and cared for."

Connect with Barbie on Instagram @barbievbauer.


MEET Tayler Crabb

“I am an Early Head Start teacher who works with two year olds, and I am also currently enrolled at UNCG to obtain my Bachelor's degree. The past six months have been challenging, but I know that God is using this time in my life for His Glory and His Kingdom. Even when He calls me to big and challenging things, I know that He is always with me and has prepared the way :)”

My favorite thing about photography? Being able to capture the present moment!

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Praying a daily rosary!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me that He is a faithful, merciful, and loving Father.

Connect with Tayler on Instagram @taylercrabb.

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MEET Bryanne Devlin

“A Texas A&M alumni from all over because of my dad’s job, I recently moved back home to San Antonio with my parents until I find the next thing, whether that be grad school or a job. My season of life has been a time of transition as I look forward into the unknown.”

My favorite thing about photography: I think photography is really cool because it’s a way for people to capture the moments and what they personally find beautiful or interesting.

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Noticing and appreciating the small gifts in my life.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Patience and trust in His will.

Connect with Bryanne on Instagram @brydevlin.


MEET Annie Gagliardi

“By day I work for a global logistics company as a compliance specialist. By night, I am a professional Netflix binge-er and connoisseur of memes. This season of my life has been all about patience and fluidity as my fiance and I plan our long-awaited wedding during what some might consider to be a rather tumultuous year.” 

My favorite thing about photography: I love photography because it permits vulnerability and safety simultaneously in a way for me that other mediums do not. Where the written word leaves its author exposed, photography gives the artist the ability to express his or herself from the protection of the lens. I’m never tongue-tied with a camera in hand.

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? My recent foray back into the world of photography! It’s something I drifted away from for a time and rediscovering it has brought back so much joy. What is an artist without her canvas!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I’ve been learning a lot about slowing down, about gratitude and about what it means to truly trust God’s plan. This year has allowed for so much introspection and personal growth.   

Connect with Annie on Instagram @candidlycomposed.

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MEET Emily Ha

“I am a fourth year student finishing up my two degrees in Public Health Policy and Business Economics with a minor in International Studies. This season of my life is calling me to trust in God’s plans for me as I transition into a world with so many unknowns and unanswered questions.” 

My favorite thing about photography: To me, photography is a unique and powerful way to capture God’s beautiful creations and His graces. 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Eucharistic adoration! God is my best friend and someone I always turn to and lean on. I love having conversations with Him in my parish’s chapel through prayer.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is teaching me to be appreciative of my many blessings and take time to trust in His plans for me.

Connect with Emily on Instagram @inner.eminence.


MEET Kayla Hart

I am a 33-year old woman in my single season of life, anxiously waiting for the pandemic to calm down so I can get back to searching for the man God has in store for me. I am an occasional playwright (with three Fringe Festivals and a one-night workshop production under my belt), and when there isn’t a pandemic, I sing in two choirs. Professionally, I work as a cashier and postal clerk in a neighborhood drug store and have mixed feelings about working an essential service job during a pandemic!”

My favorite thing about photography: I just love the idea of capturing God’s beauty in an image. Even more so if it’s a moment or image that can never fully be duplicated. I take a lot of sky photos (sunsets, clouds, etc.) or photos where the light is just hitting something a certain way, and there is something so special to me about being able to save these moments that are otherwise so fleeting.

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? The days when I make time to sing.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? That I’m stronger than I sometimes give myself credit for.

Connect with Kayla on Instagram @hartofsilver.

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MEET Mary Beth Keenan

“This season is all about receptivity and pouring out! This year I have become a mother, graduated from library school, and committed myself to contributing to the common good in new, concrete ways. I am continuing to discern how God is calling me to serve my community outside of the home (safely) this fall.”

My favorite thing about photography: Pausing to notice the small, sweet gifts along the way. 

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? Late night rosary decades with my dear babe 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is teaching me to tune into the movements of the Holy Spirit; in the advice from a friend, the powerful line in a homily, the instinct in my gut.

Connect with Mary Beth on Instagram @mbkeenan_captures.

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Meet Summerly Sherlock

“ I am a digital content strategist for a university, wife, and a new mother to a wonderful little girl. The season of life I am in right now is all about embracing motherhood, learning to slow down, and listening to God’s nudges.”

My favorite thing about photography: Looking at something and finding a new perspective.

One thing, habit, or idea that is making my life a little sweeter? This year, I got a prayer partner/sister.  We send each other daily emails. We talk about God, our devotionals, and what is going on in our lives. She keeps me grounded and gently reminds me to lean on God every day for everything.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?  God is teaching me to be more patient and the importance of what I can learn from my daily time with my rosary. 

Connect with Summerly on Instagram @redingtonly.

We couldn’t be more thrilled that each one of these women said “YES” to serving both the Lord and the wider Live Today Well community in this way, and we can’t wait to see how the Lord reveals himself to us through their artistic vision this year.

To get to know our Photography Team members better, head over to the “Our Story & Team” page to read their full bios, or find them on their respective Instagram accounts to connect personally <3.

Here’s to a bright and beautiful year ahead!


Kara & Mary

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