The Great Dichotomy of Winter

Winter is a great dichotomy -

both cold and dark,

yet also radiant and resplendent.

Blustering and silent.

Harsh and delicate.

Days of blowing wind and ice

followed by days of bright sunshine sparkling off fresh snow -

and the kind of blue sky you only see during this season.

On winter’s darker days,

you have to really pay attention

to find the beauty; it’s not as obvious,

nor does it scream for attention like

the tulips and daffodils of spring

or the lush green of summer.

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To really know and love winter,

you have to slow,

to sit with it long,



wrapping up in your warmest blankets and gazing upon

the snowflakes

and being amazed.

Or bundling up and feeling the wind on your cheeks,

hearing the crunch of snow under your boots,

and squinting at the sparkles of snow

reflecting sunlight like someone threw handfuls

of sliver glitter all around.

Winter is an introvert,

it needs you to rest with it,

to sit long with a steaming mug of tea,

to explore its beauty,

often in silence.

And then,

you will see it for what it really is-




Winter is me.


Meet Anna Bonnema

Anna Bonnema is an open-armed Catholic and a lover of words and nature. Anna is a wife to a man with a contagious laugh and a mom to amazing teenage triplets. Though she calls herself an introvert, she loves to gather around the table or the fire. Fueled by tea, lattes, and dog snuggles, Anna loves small celebrations and glitter. Fill your favorite mug and join her on Instagram @annabonnema.

Kara Becker