A Change of Heart: Embracing Metanoia
This past year, I became really good friends with Mary Magdalene. Her beauty and realness captivated me, and I was aching to know more about her. Seriously, I thought about her constantly. Being a lost sinner who desires goodness, truth, and beauty, I have always struggled with turning towards what the world considered good, beautiful, and true. With the Lord being such a loving Father, and understanding the wounds within my heart, He sent Mary Magdalene my way in full force. She has since helped to tend my wounds as she once tended Jesus’ feet with perfumed oil.
This past July, on her most recent feast day, I was reading my daily devotional when the author revealed how they viewed Mary Magdalene as the patron saint of metanoia. I remember dropping my phone, opening my mouth in awe, and whispered to myself, “what the heck.” This completely rocked my soul, mainly because I have been praying for a better understanding of metanoia. God being God not only answered my prayer, but sent me a saint as well.
Metanoia means conversion, or a change of heart. Our human hearts can change constantly. We see one thing that looks to be good, when really, it’s rotten. And thus, our hearts begin to shift away from true goodness. I can attest to this. Entering college, I had no interest in changing the “false” desires of my heart. I loved the world, and I loved how the world made me feel. I was so prideful, even to the point where I found it hard to love anything or anyone besides myself.
That is until, in 2019, I came face to face with love Himself in the adoration chapel on our college campus. My heart then began to shift…and I began my metanoia. True and perfect metanoia can only be attained if it is done with love. Not love of the world, not love for material things, not love for a feeling. But love for the Father and His Kingdom.
Mary Beth Keenan, @mb_keenan.15.
Mary Magdalene is the perfect example of this unfailing love and constant conversion. She not only repented at the feet of Jesus but allowed her heart to completely change as she continued to follow him from the foot of the cross to the entry of the tomb. She was confident in who she was, as well as who Jesus was, because she recognized that her true beauty and goodness came from the Father and not from the world.
My friends, I ask that we remain confident in the Lord and His promises. That we allow Him to enter into our hearts, so that we may begin our metanoia. When in doubt, look to His Most Sacred Heart, and if you need an extra push, ask Mary Magdalene for her intercession. Praying for you all as we continue to run towards Heaven!
Meet Lindsey Bell
Lindsey Bell is a charismatic 21-year-old with a humble zeal for Heaven and deep desire to become a Saint. She is currently finishing out her undergrad in East Texas with a degree in Health Science. Her favorite things include working out, reading a good book, movie nights with her closest friends, and terrible dad jokes. Lindsey recognizes the love of the Father in those around her and strives to show others the Father’s mercy through her own spiritual journey.