Women at the Well: The Heart of a Single Woman

Editor’s Note: Women at the Well is an ongoing blog series. Each month, a different woman shares how God is meeting her in her current season of life. Today, we’re thrilled to have Nadia Cornejo joining us to talk about her walk with God as a single woman.

Tell us a bit about yourself, your current vocation as a single woman, and your normal daily routine.

Hi there! My name is Nadia Cornejo, and I am 34 years old. I currently live on the West Coast of Canada on Vancouver Island surrounded by lots of water! I work in an office and am involved in a few different ministries within my church such as Sacramental Preparation and a weekly faith study with some friends. 

My daily routine consists of saying Morning Prayer with the iBrevary app when I wake up, as well as the daily readings and reflections. At night, I say Night Prayer and try to listen to the “Bible In a Year” podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz. When the pandemic first started, I also loved closing out my day by streaming the Pope's daily Mass and adoration.

If we look closely, we see the hand of God working in our lives.  How is Jesus reaching out to you right now, in your current season of life? 

I think the ability to watch Mass online is helpful, as I have been able to see priests from other countries provide different perspectives in different languages (primarily Spanish.) I recently had a strong experience in Adoration, where I heard God’s voice of reassurance for this stage of singleness in my life. 

My grandma passed away November 2020 and although she lived a long faithful life, I definitely miss her. On the day she died, which was a Sunday, the Mass readings were appropriate for dealing with death and the physical warmth I felt that day was just a reminder that Jesus was walking with me side by side during all the difficult moments in my life. 

What truths about yourself has the Lord been revealing in prayer? How does acknowledging these truths in your heart affect your vocation in life?

I have been reminded in prayer to continue to be patient and to have faith. I reflect on my life, and realize that I am filled with all different kinds of love, such as friendship, love for my godchildren, love for my job, and my love for running. I am loved and have love beyond measure and lack for nothing. One day God will reveal His vocation for me. In the meantime, I am fulfilled and content with where I am in life.

How has encountering Jesus in prayer radically changed your life? What fruits do you see manifested in your day-to-day that flow from encounters with Him?

When I went on a mission trip back in 2015, I encountered Jesus as the center of my life. I lived and breathed His Works as a missionary, and I was able to see Him in everything. 6 years later, these memories help me appreciate the closeness of God and to always remember that He is with me every step of the way. 

Also, just being able to go to the adoration chapel and silently have a conversation with Jesus has also been a radical change to my prayer life.

It can often be easy to fall into the trap of discontent in our specific vocations. What has been bringing you peace lately? Do you have any habits, hobbies, or self care practices which fills your heart with peace? 

Being around my godchildren and a couple of my friends' children! Being able to play with children and the joy and lack of judgement they hold is a blessing. They always have a smile when they see me. There is truly something to be said about childlike faith. My weekly walking/running has also been a source of joy as I am outside, in the fresh air and just talking things out with my running buddy has helped, as well as talking on Skype with far away friends has given me peace. 

What words of encouragement would you like to pass on to a woman facing the same choices and challenges as you?   

It is very easy to fall into comparison especially when your friends are moving to the next stage in life, but as a wise friend once told me, “You may wish to be in their shoes preparing for a wedding, but you are also preparing to train for a half marathon, big goals and accomplishments in their own way.” Her advice, to put everything in perspective, is so true. Why compare when we are exactly where we are meant to be? You can be content where you are.

I always loved Jeremiah 29:11,  “For surely, I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. Plans for your welfare and not for harm, for a future full of hope.” I have started to truly believe this. I know my future spouse is out there waiting for me and that the Lord has a plan. In the meantime,  I am content with my current state of life as a single woman and find joy in the everyday.

Meet Nadia Cornejo

Nadia loves living on the west Coast of Canada on Vancouver Island. Some of her interests include running, being outside and visiting with her goddaughters. Before COVID, she always traveled and had the pleasure of going to 2 World Youth Days: Madrid 2011 and Poland 2016. For the future, she is looking forward to always deepening her faith, traveling, and living a contented life.

Kara Becker