Meet the 2021-2022 Ministry Team

55 women. 3 countries. 18 states. Old, young, tall, short, extroverted, introverted, cradle catholic or convert… we all have unique stories to tell. Each one of our lives forms its own, stunning yet different thread as we walk with the Lord. He speaks to our hearts and romances us intentionally… personally...deeply. Though our personalities and journeys with the Lord may be unique to each one of us, our love of Him and desire to draw nearer to Him remains the same. And our stories, our unique pathways of encountering the risen Lord, matter. Together, they form an intricate tapestry that honors and glorifies God.

As we launch into a new school year, we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you to the women behind this ministry. Though God is the core of Live Today Well and the reason behind all that we do, these women form the heart of Live Today Well Collective. Below, you’ll find a short introduction to each woman on the 2021-2022 VOICES Team! We invite you to cover these women in prayer, as they in turn, pray for you, too. Together, as one collective, let us all support and encourage one another, that we may point each other towards heaven.

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MEET Courtney Adams

Courtney is a graduate of Marquette University and a Former Jesuit Volunteer. After adventuring in Milwaukee, Seattle and rural Alaska, she returned home to Springfield, Illinois. She now serves as the Campus Minister at her old high school, finding ways to combine her love of her faith with her love of cold brew, Taylor Swift, and her students. You can most often find her with her nose in a good book or baking something delicious.

Courtney can also be found asking life's big questions, like: "Why is the classic rock station playing music from middle school?" on her Instagram stories.

Connect with Courtney on Instagram @heartlandadventurer.

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Meet Annie Alexiou

“I'm a newlywed (high five to my fellow 2020 brides. We did it!) and am enjoying this new chapter of life side by side with my hubs. Professionally, I work for a global logistics company as a compliance specialist but because it's the least creative-minded job out there, I spend a lot of my free time nurturing that side of my personality through dancing, music, art, etc.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? To enjoy who I am as He made me and to appreciate and celebrate what makes me uniquely me.

Connect with Annie on Instagram @candidlycomposed.

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 “I’m a recent graduate from Christendom College with a B.A. in Theology and am currently working remotely as a finance reporting analyst at Virtual Service Operations. When not at my laptop, I enjoy cooking with friends, doing puzzles, and spending time outdoors.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I thought graduating from college and beginning my career would stabilize my life and give me the regular schedule I wanted. But once the week after graduation came around I realized how many things were still up in the air, and things to figure out for the wedding began piling up. Lately, God has been teaching me to go to Him as my source of stability, proving to me that the only thing that remains unchanging in this life is Him and His love for me.


MEET Kara Becker

“Though I used to work in parish based ministry and teaching, I’m currently loving life as a homeschooling stay at home mama and part time writing tutor. Right now, I’m in a season of transition, as we adjust to our recent move and welcome our third child this September.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? In the midst of a difficult pregnancy, He’s been reminding me that my worth is not defined by how much I accomplish, but rather, by His presence in me. Also, He’s been teaching me to accept help. I’m not very good at it ;).

Connect with Kara on Instagram karabecker__.


MEET Cameron Bellm

“I’m a writer and mom of 2 young boys living in Seattle. It has been a challenging but grace-filled year as my husband and I have juggled our schedules to get our work done while caring for our boys. I’ve never been more grateful for online ministries that keep us feeling connected even while we’re apart.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? One of my favorite saints is St. Ignatius, and, after this year, I’ve come to think of him as the patron saint of adaptability. I just did the nine-month version of his Spiritual Exercises at home, and over time I learned to welcome the interruptions of my kids rather than being frustrated by them. It was a beautiful gift!

Connect with Cameron on Instagram @krugthethinker.

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MEET Paula Danika Binsol

 “I’m a cradle Catholic based in northern New Jersey who loves writing letters, eating snacks, and early morning runs. When I’m not living in the world in my head, I am a young healthcare professional making my way through a series of licensing exams (please pray for me)! These days, you’ll often find me reading and studying, but never too far from a nice, hot cup of tea.” 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The lesson that seems to be making its appearance these days is that I do not have to wait for things to stop being hard to start being happy. And that true happiness lies in surrendering my idea of ideal to God’s truth, because He is beyond countdowns, timelines, and best laid plans.

Connect with Dani on Instagram @outofpost.

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Meet Jessica Bonaparte

“I am a labour and delivery nurse living in Alberta, Canada. Currently I am learning how to remain at peace in the present moment while also living in the tension of desiring to enter into my future vocation.” 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me the importance of leaving space for Him. Space for Him to change my plans. Space for Him to create divine encounters throughout my day. Space for us to co-labour together. And space for me to communicate with Him throughout my day; for me to remain in Him, and Him in me.


Meet Anna Bonnema

 I am an open armed catholic who loves watercolor painting, earl grey tea, lattes with oat milk, and listening well.  I am an introvert who teaches at a local liberal arts college and runs a peer mentoring program.  I am also a spiritual director.  Best of all, I am a wife to Tom, and the mom of triplets who are seniors in high school-which is equal parts exciting and so very hard.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Presence and that I am enough as I am right now. I’m walking closely with Mama Mary and Mary Magdalene these days.

Connect with Anna on Instagram @annabonnema.

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Meet Madison Chastain

“I have been out of graduate school and in the nonprofit sector of the workforce for a year now. My space physicist, science educator fiance, Guy, and I will be getting married in October of 2022. Right now, life looks like relishing the ability to go into work, slowly planning a casual, accessible Catholic wedding, lots of traveling, and lots of writing.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? To survive pandemic monotony, I filled my plate with remote opportunities to keep me busy and connected. Now, God is calling me to discern more deeply what involvements truly fill me up, respect mine and others’ dignity, and leave me with joy. The more blank space there is in my planner, the more of myself I have to give to friends and family. After a year of not being able to see hardly anyone at all, that must become the new priority.

Connect with Madison on Instagram @maddsienicole, and find more of her writing at her blog,

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MEET Meghan Chen

“I am preparing to start my Masters of Physical Therapy degree this September! This is a step out in faith for me and something I never imagined myself doing, but I truly feel like God's hand has been with me every step of the way. I'm open to where the Lord is taking me in terms of personal relationships, but I definitely feel a pull toward family life and motherhood.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? That even in the hardest of circumstances, changing my perspective to one of peace and gratitude can be transformative.

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Meet Sara Coello

“I am a recent college graduate who just started working at my alma mater’s Newman Center as a campus ministry assistant. My days look like meeting with students, planning out events and retreats, and continually trying to point others around me back to Christ. Outside of work, I love hanging out with friends, trying out new ways to drink coffee, reading, and learning how to play guitar and piano.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? That He is always doing something new in our lives, He is never outdone in His generosity.

Connect with Sara on Instagram @saramcoello.

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Meet Sarah Cook

“I live in the Kansas City area with my husband, and look forward to celebrating our 10th anniversary this year.  I work full time on the administrative staff at my church; we launched a podcast for our congregation in April, and I have really enjoyed stepping to the role of producer for the show.  I am also a spiritual director, and enjoy fitness activities, baking, and reading in my hammock on a nice day.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The Lord has been teaching me to find peace and contentment in Him, especially in the midst of hardship and pain. After some discouraging health issues earlier this year, I’m learning to experience the joy that comes when I lean into the love of God - which is greater than any trial I might encounter.

Connect with Sarah on Instagram @bluebirdiekc.

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MEET Katie Cosby

“I live in my hometown, Charlotte, NC and work in Paid Social Advertising. I love spending time with Jesus, my family (especially my baby nephew!), and friends. It fills me with great joy when I can bring people together and put a smile on their face (quite often with homemade baked goods!).”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? How to become humbly receptive and what it means to be feminine. 

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MEET Tayler Crabb

I live in Western North Carolina, just outside of Asheville, in the town of Black Mountain. I was raised Baptist, but converted to Catholicism when I was 22 (alongside my mom and my father had been confirmed the year before). I work full-time as an Early Head Start teacher, but will be stepping down to a teaching assistant role in an NC-PreK classroom as I begin my student-teaching/last year of undergrad, this fall. I love to spend time with my friends and family (especially my nephews and niece)!”

One thing God has been teaching me recently? The Lord is teaching me to be with Him in the present moment and to leave the details and worries of tomorrow in His hands.  

Connect with Tayler on Instagram @taylercrabb.

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Meet Ashton Decker Kelly

“I am a Catholic convert, married to my cradle Catholic hubby, raising our 2 girls to be faithful little saints. We live in the Phoenix area with our sweet dog. I enjoy coffee, travel, sunsets & anything chocolate.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been allowing me to step further into motherhood with Our Lady as a beautiful example. Knowing her & allowing her to lead me to her son has been an amazing journey.

Connect with Ashton on Instagram @ashdecks.

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Meet Taryn Oesch DElong

“I am a freelance editor and writer in Raleigh, NC, but first and foremost, I’m a wife and (new!) mother. My current season of life consists of changing diapers, feeding, cuddling, and adjusting to a new routine as a stay-at-home mom. “ 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently In 2020, while I was planning a wedding during a pandemic, He taught me detachment. In 2021, He’s been teaching me surrender. There are so many things you can’t control when you’re pregnant, especially during a pandemic; He used that time to teach my control freak nature to surrender to His will (although that lesson is ongoing!).

Connect with Taryn on Instagram @tarynmdelong.


Meet Sarah Dingler

“I am a full-time youth minister at my home parish and full-time student studying clinical psychology. I am in the midst of wedding planning and I am joyfully finding all the beauty that comes with the sacrament!”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is constantly reminding me that I need to be patient because His timeline is already laid out and it’s perfect. He knows the desires of my heart and is shaping me in a way to include those. Being that I am a huge planner, learning to let go and accept change has been difficult but it’s already bore a lot of fruit.

Connect with Sarah on Instagram @saritapauu.


Meet Maureen Eaton

“I’m a wife (36 years), mom of 4 grown sons, and “MeMe” to 4 adorable grandchildren.  A retired teacher, I now get to spend time writing, reading, volunteering, traveling, and hanging out with those aforementioned adorable grandchildren.”

What’s one thing that God has been teaching you recently? Lately, God has been teaching me to 1) spend more time in prayer and the study of Scripture and 2) trust Him more (I confess I’m still a work-in-progress on this one!)

Connect with Maureen on Instagram @maureenaeaton.

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Meet Mindy Edgington

“I work in corporate healthcare full time as the primary breadwinner for our family. My husband and I have been married two years, living in Omaha, NE, as he pursues his law degree. When I am not at work, I am planning retreats for members of Corporate America, advocating for children in foster care, writing about my personal PCOS health journey & snuggling with my dog.” 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is teaching me how much he desires a truly intimate relationship with me, not because of what I can produce, but simply because of who I am. He’s specifically calling me into deeper prayer, scripture & daily mass.

Connect with Mindy on Instagram @mindy.edgington and on her family account @lafamilia.edgington.


Meet Marissa Federline

“I am a stay-at-home mama to a beautiful, vivacious toddler girl and a sweet, cuddly baby boy. I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for 5 years, and we just bought our first home! On a typical day, you can find me ignoring the laundry, kissing booboos, and baking sourdough bread.”

One thing God has been teaching me recently? Lately, God has been teaching me to find sanctity in the small, mundane tasks of life. Changing diapers? Cutting grapes for snacks? That’s like all the Corporal Works of Mercy right there!

Connect with Marissa on Instagram at @stella_maris_creates.


Meet Ginger Giesen

Ginger is a wife, mother, grandmother and 20 year convert to the Catholic faith. She holds a Masters Degree in Theology, and, in addition to her own deepening conversion, has taught the faith to adults and children in Catholic parishes and schools, as well as leading women on weekend retreats and through small group Bible study. Her passion is to see people transformed as they come to know the love our Lord Jesus Christ has for them, and then in return, love Him in and through the blessings of His Church.

Connect with Ginger on Instagram @ggiesen_truthbeautygoodness.

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Meet Rebecca Go-Oco

“I am a recent MPH graduate currently working in the pharmaceutical industry.  I’m also discerning a shift and going back to school in the future! I also recently just got engaged, and am very blessed to be in this very exciting season of my life.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has definitely been teaching me the value of presence in the face of the very busy world we're in. I have built deeper connections with my friends and family and have also come to realize the grace of being present. 

Connect with Rebecca on Instagram @rebecca.mg13.

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Meet Emily Ha

“I am a recent graduate from the University of California, Irvine. Now, I am pursuing a career in public health research at the University of Michigan and San Diego State University. When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my loved ones, painting, reading, songwriting, and blogging on”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has taught me to have deeper trust in his plans for my future. He has called me to listen to my heart instead of fixating on societal expectations. Through Him, I find clarity in what my mission is and how I am called to serve as His disciple.

Connect with Emily on Instagram @inner.eminence.

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Meet Lindsay Hankinson

“Hi! I’m Lindsay Hankinson. I’m from a small town in PA. I enjoy reading and journaling, and I’m looking into becoming a Benedictine oblate. I’m looking forward to this journey with you all!”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?  To pray, hope, and don’t worry; things always work themselves out! 

Connect with Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayhankinson.

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Meet Kayla Hart

“I am a 34-year old woman in my single season of life, and would classify myself as a singer, a theatre nerd, and an occasional playwright. Professionally, I work as a cashier and postal clerk in a neighborhood drug store and I’m about ready for retirement after working an essential service job during a pandemic! This is my second year serving on the Live Today Well team, but my first as a VOICES writer.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? If I’m being honest, it’s that relationship with Him is a two-way street, and I do not always hold up my end of the bargain. It has been a dry spiritual year for me with pandemic stress, and despite knowing He is there to turn to, I don’t always invite Him into my struggles. Fortunately, He still provides, through the love and care of friends and family, and patiently waits for us to call when we are ready

Connect with Kayla on Instagram @hartofsilver and @hartofsilverproductions.


Meet Liv Harrison

“We recently just put our 18 year old high school graduate on a train for Pittsburgh to serve via mission work for a year before he goes to college. Now we have one child left at home who will begin Junior High in the fall. Professionally I am now embracing my career in radio because of the unending encouragement of my phenomenal husband of 21 years.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? He has shown me my purpose in life. I finally understand with clarity my mission field and how my gifts are to be used.

Connect with Liv on Instagram @thelivharrison.


Meet Mary Beth Keenan

“I am a stay-at-home-mom to an energetic and sweet toddler girl. My entry into motherhood came just weeks before the pandemic hit the States, leaving me evermore grateful for each moment of connection and help from our support system. The time at home had also given me the strength to finally call myself an artist for the first time.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is teaching me to find both comfort and mission in the fundamentals of who He created me to be. My lifelong passion areas of empathy, art, nature, and mental health are by His design. He is teaching me to marvel in what I consider the basics of who I am and to go deeper into things that naturally interest me.

Connect with Mary Beth on Instagram @mb_keenan.15.

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Meet Katie Kibbe

“The nest is completely empty with my son finishing law school and my daughter entering the workforce. My husband and I are adjusting to this new life in a historic home in Ohio. I love to write for, encourage, and coach women who are learning to redefine success and live faith-first lives.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? As we take refuge in Him, we can let go of the shame that silences our soul.

Connect with Katie on Instagram @katie_kibbe.

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Meet Mary Katherine Leaf

Mary Katherine is a professionally trained pastry chef currently living it up in the baby-city of Charlotte, NC before moving to rural western NC after her marriage in October 2021. Her favorite pastimes are baking (of course), spending time in adoration, drinking copious amounts of coffee, working with her fiancé on his farm, and discussing theology and literature with her fiancé and her friends.

Connect with Mary Katherine on Instagram @pastrypastimes.

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Meet Maggie Lennon

“I am a recent college graduate from Benedictine College who is learning how to navigate the world of 9-5s. I am about to move into a house with 4 other Catholic, single professional women who are eager to start being missionaries in our home and I am open to the Holy Spirit prompting me towards my vocation. Whenever I am not working you can find me reading, attending (yet another) wedding, training for a half marathon, and adventuring with friends and siblings.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? One thing I am learning right now is just how universal and inclusive the call to holiness is and how little it has to do with my own efforts. Jesus has certainly been revealing to me the nature of my perfectionism and my attempts to “earn holiness” and secure His love. The more I uncover who He is, He reveals to me that it truly is that His power is made perfect in my weakness and He holds nothing back from me if I am but willing to receive it from him. 

Connect with Maggie on Instagram @greatandmain.


MEET Jamie Leverette

Jamie is a 26-year-old writer living in the beautiful city of Charlotte, North Carolina. Some of her great loves include the written word, video essays, and her adorable floofy cat, Tsukki. Since converting to Catholicism at 22, she seeks to cultivate a life full of truth, beauty, and goodness, and is eager to share her musings as a part of the Voices team.

Connect with Jamie on Instagram @jleverette94.


MEET Mary Mailloux

“I am a stay at home mom to two under two with our third baby due November 2021. My family and I live on Long Island, and I love spending the days playing on the floor with the kids or taking them to local parks and beaches. Whenever the kids kindly nap at the same time, you can find me baking dessert or trying out a new recipe for dinner later that day!”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me to be present and enjoy the simple gifts that each moment has to offer. Life gets so very busy especially with two little kids; He has taught me that it is okay to slow down and not feel the need to accomplish a to do list in a day for the day to be successful. 

Connect with Mary on Instagram @marykatemailloux.

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MEET Lily Mar

“A native Phoenician, a fancy word for us born in Phoenix, Arizona. I have been a stay-at-home for the last six years. Our youngest children are twin four year olds and our oldest is thirteen. In the middle, our son Felix was born with Down Syndrome. I love singing in the car, dancing and according to my kids I tell really bad mom jokes.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is teaching me to let go.

Connect with Lily on Instagram @esposadelmar and @itsfelixfriday.

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Meet Rebecca Martin

“I’m a wife (we’re starting our second year of marriage); a book editor for Our Sunday Visitor; and a Lay Dominican under first promises. Currently, I’m still learning this marriage thing, while stepping into more responsibility at work, and keeping our three cats from getting into too much trouble.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? How to lean on Him, and to accept His love for me, even when my head is spinning and prayer is dry and difficult. I’ve been trying to trust in His love no matter what.

Connect with Rebecca on Instagram @nerdcornerbooks.

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Meet victoria mastrangelo

“I am a wife and mother of 3 going through a career transition. I am moving from full time teaching to campus ministry at the all girls’ high school that I graduated from. When I’m not at school, you can find me drinking copious amounts of coffee, reading multiple books at a time, and chasing kids at the playground or splash pad!”

What’s one thing that God has been teaching you recently? Trust in Him! The last two years have included a lot of changes and transitions that have felt out of our control. I have been learning to work hard to solve the problems that I can, but to remain open to the possibilities that God has on the horizon that I am not yet able to see.

Connect with Victoria on Instagram @vimastrangelo.

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MEET Becca Michaels

“I am a college senior looking at different grad school opportunities for speech-language pathology. When not hanging out with my family, you’ll likely find me enjoying one of my hobbies (playing the piano or organ, singing, reading, or writing) or exploring the outdoors.” 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I’ve been in a big period of transition between transferring colleges, prepping for the GRE, and 3 new nephews joining the fam this year! God has really been telling me to slow down and be patient with where my life’s at now, and depending on the day, I take the lesson better than others ;).

Connect with Becca on Instagram @michaelsbecca.

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Meet Eileen Perez

“As a single mother to two and full time Campus Minister at a Catholic high school, I am currently in a season of major transition. I went through a painful divorce last year and am learning how to take care of myself again while simultaneously taking care of my children, home, and work life. It’s been a struggle, but incredibly grace-filled.” 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? To trust Him even more than I ever thought I could and to love myself better by giving myself grace in the hardest moments.

Connect with Eileen on Instagram @franciseileenperez.

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MEET Sydney Phillips

“I am a wife and mother to two sweet little boys who are always making me laugh and bringing me joy. I just moved to a new town, so as we transition and find our new community, I am also launching a middle school ministry to help kids find Christ! Life is busy but we are so blessed.” 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The risks we take are something worth taking because He teaches us through those moments.

Connect with Sydney on Instagram @sydneyraephillips.

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Meet Beth Puelo

“Lifelong Catholic and graduate of Mount St. Mary's University, blogger at pda: the positive disabled adult, grant writer, speaker, and childhood brain cancer survivor. At a young age, I became physically disabled as a result of cancer and told by doctors I only had weeks to live. By trusting in the Lord and through the love of family and friends, I have learned that nothing is impossible with God. I strive to radiate Christ through my writings and everyday life. Every moment is a blessing.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I am someone who worries about everything and anything. I feel as though God continues time after time to stop worrying and to trust in Him in the present moment, for my future, and in every moment. He is constantly showing me how to surrender. My favorite psalm is Psalm 131 because I love that image of childlike confidence and trust in the Lord. That is my goal everyday.

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Meet Jennifer Scheuermann

“I’m a cradle Catholic whose poor faith formation led me to wander away from the church for many years before a string of unplanned and undesired events resulted in a major faith reversion. Since then I’ve been committed to sharing with others the beautiful lessons Jesus reveals to me and the difference His love has made in my life - all while juggling marriage, motherhood (I have 2 teenage sons), and my career as a healthcare provider!“

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? That the unknown next phase of this journey, the unanswered questions, and the periods of waiting will be easier to accept when I trust that the One who holds these answers has only my best interests at heart when He keeps them hidden.

Connect with Jennifer on Instagram @earlyamcoffeewithjesus.

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Meet Katie Sherman

“I am a young adult graduate from Birmingham, AL who had a major reversion to the faith through beauty in college. I am currently serving as a FOCUS missionary at the University of Louisville in good ole’ Kentucky. I am entering into my second year of mission with a new team and am excited to see all that the Lord has planned for this year.” 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? He has been teaching me that it is in my weakest place that He offers me His life. That He is not afraid of my brokenness and desires to bring me closer to Him in my suffering. And that He, the Bridegroom, proposes to me when I am in my deepest shame, and calls me His Beloved.

Connect with Katie on Instagram @kmaries23.

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Meet Samantha Spigos

 I am in a hidden season. I am mothering two small children, plus journeying with my husband through his rigorous public school teaching program, and working a computer-based job with one or both kids on my lap. We just moved to Vermont, where the trees are abundant and the tap water is delicious. Not getting enough sleep, knitting where I can, with a heart full of love as deep as the sea.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Trust. How else can I say it? Trust. I count on God to move among the pots and pans.

Connect with Samantha on her blog at

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MEET René Steinhauser

“I am a returning writer for Live Today Well and am extremely grateful for the relationships this community has brought into my life. We’re currently awaiting the arrival of our first baby, and I am eager to see how the Lord desires to teach me in this new season. Additionally, I am beginning my graduate studies in ministry with a concentration in social justice ministry this fall.” 

One thing God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me that I can plan so little of my own life and that I need to relinquish that desire for control into his hands and place my whole trust in him.

Connect with René on Instagram @sim.ply.rene.


MEET Adrienne Stravitsch

“I am the wife to an active duty Soldier, but we are preparing for military retirement this Fall! After a lifetime in the Army, I will be putting down roots and finally getting my forever home while learning to navigate civilian living. I have four children here and we spend our days homeschooling and playing outside. When I’m not sewing, writing, or reading, I’ll be camping or spending time with my family out in the fresh air.” 

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has done a big cleanse in several areas of my life, leaving some aspects of my life clean but feeling empty and scorched. I’m learning, though, that it’s when our spiritual forests are burned down then God brings in new, beautiful, healthy growth. And even in the emptiness, He still remains with us. We need only to reach out for His hand.

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Meet Julia Strukely

“I am a born and raised Catholic and currently a Middle School Media Literacy and Theology teacher who dabbles in art, music, and podcasting. I discerned religious life and entered a religious order in my 20s, but found that was not the vocation God was calling me to. I have just entered a new decade- my 40s- and am eager to see where God continues to call and lead me.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is reminding me of His faithfulness throughout my life so that I will have hope and trust for whatever is to come!

Connect with Julia on Instagram @sevenmilechat.

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Meet Catherine Sullivan

“I’m a busy, 30-something working mom of littles. Relying on Jesus’ mercy is a daily necessity as I try (and often fail!) to balance it all.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Recently, I’ve been learning that self-care through real rest and quiet prayer is absolutely necessary for me to be able to live my vocation. 

Connect with Catherine on Instagram @catherinesullivanwrites.

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Meet Elizabeth Swanson

“Hi! I am a 20 year older college student studying journalism. I am from the Appalachian region of Tennessee and I love hiking and searching for God in the daily habits and adventures of life.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Lately, my life seems to be moving too fast for me to keep up and the future has caused a lot of anxiety in my heart. I have felt overwhelmed by college and meeting new people. God has really been teaching patience and letting go and trusting in His plans. I am learning to accept things that are not in my control :)

Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram @elizabethswanson_.

Meet Malia Tait

Malia is a wife and mother to three little ones. She loves thrifting, reading, and ice cream. When she’s not playing robot or dressing up, she paints bibles and journals. Malia lives in Southern California with her family and designs beautiful things for her Etsy shop, Beloved and Blessed.

Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram @belovedblessedart.

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Meet Megan Turland

Megan Turland resides in Ottawa, Ontario with her husband of 6 years, Benjamin, and three children. They also have one baby praying for them in heaven and one expecting to make his or her arrival this September. She has been a missionary with Catholic Christian Outreach for 10 years, seeking the renewal of the world through the evangelization and leadership development of university students. She has a blog called The Good Soil, where she explores what it means to cultivate rich environments for herself and others to flourish.

Connect with Megan on Instagram @_thegoodsoil.

Meet Reneé Urban

“I’m a North Carolina gal living in Raleigh with my yellow lab, Bella, and working at my alma mater, NC State University, in communications and marketing. I’m a huge advocate of self-care and mental health, so you can find me sitting in a coffee shop, listening to music and journaling during my days off. I also love to travel (11 countries and counting!) so I’m always up for travel recommendations!”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Step back, be still and trust in the process. God has been teaching me that I don’t need to be doing it all to have it all. He will make all things new and his timing is divine.

Connect with Reneé on Instagram @reneeurbannn.

Meet Bianca Villatoro

“I am a Catholic creative, dancer, and Case Worker at Catholic Charities. I currently work with Newcomers in Maryland, and help them get access to services and resources. In the evenings, I dance professionally and prepare for performances. On the side, I have been working on starting up a platform for Catholic creatives in the larger Washington, DC area, as well as a fellowship group for couples that are in dating relationships.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Given all of the things that I am doing, the Lord has been challenging me to soul-search and truly ask myself, is this true, good, and beautiful? At times, I find myself getting swamped and overwhelmed, but a good mentor of mine recently shared with me, “there is no wasted time for the believer.” In spite of my busyness and desire to serve others through my work, my creativity, my passions, and dreams-- if I am seeking the Lord’s will in ALL that I do (i..e., attempts, failures, and successes), then none of that time will be wasted. It is in those attempts, failures, and successes that I am one step closer to living out who I am called to be, and one step closer to embodying and missioning out truth, goodness, and beauty. It is in these times that I get the opportunity to be like Christ and let others know Him. 

Connect with Bianca on Instagram @Beloved.Bianca

Meet Angelenedeep Kaur Vishie

“My purpose in life is to journey with teens in understanding themselves in relation to God and their community through psychotherapy and faith formation. Currently navigating adulthood and learning the priceless lessons along the way with openness and joy.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The deeper meaning of detachment and attachment, and how they relate to recognizing God’s presence and moving away from harmful life scripts.

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Meet Mary Williams

“I’m a Catholic wife and mama of two living in Southern California. I spend my days creating as a means of glorifying God whether that looks like writing a book, kissing a boo-boo, painting through the psalms, or making dinner for my family.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I’m learning slowly that a practice of praise (something I’ve longed to improve in my spiritual life for a long time) is less about perfecting my own faithfulness and more about paying attention to God’s faithfulness. No matter the circumstances I face or the attitude I wear each day, God is always good, always loving, and always present.

Connect with Mary on Instagram @creatingtolove.

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Meet Beth Williby

“I’ve been married to my college sweetheart for 22 years and we have four amazing kids ranging in age from 10 to almost 20 which means we have a kid in every level of education from elementary to college. I’m a singer, music minister, podcaster, and wanna-be writer but in my free time, you can find me cooking, baking, reading, and fitting in a yoga class or a coffee date with friends in between driving my kids around. I love to laugh (not uncommonly at inopportune times), love putting together a good outfit, and love being with my family and friends.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I’m learning that my forties are where God takes everything I thought I knew and is turning it all on its ear. He is challenging me to walk the walk of loving all of his people and to meet others - and myself! - exactly where they are.

Connect with Beth on Instagram @bethwilliby.

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Meet Rosemary Zimmerman

“I’m a cradle Catholic revert, a hospitalist nurse practitioner, and a divorced, single mother to a young son. I live on a two-week cycle, working 84 hours of night shift in one week so I can be a full time mother the next week! I love to read (classics, theology, poetry, political philosophy, philosophical ethics, detective fiction, and low fantasy), and with three friends I also podcast @forgodandcountrypodcast.”

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? He’s attempting to teach me that I am loved (as myself, in spite of myself) and that His love is sufficient...but I am not proving myself to be an adept student.

Connect with Rosemary on Instagram @religiomedici.

We are truly so grateful for all of these women for their “YES” to joining the Ministry Team. If you’d like to know more about each of these women, you can find their full bios on the “Our Story & Team” page of our website.

We look forward to continuing to grow in holiness with you, dear sister... Here’s to the beautiful things God has in store for us all!


The Live Today Well Ministry Team

Kara BeckerComment