Meet the 2022-2023 Ministry Team

Old, young, tall, short, extroverted, introverted, cradle catholic or convert… we all have unique stories to tell. Each one of our lives forms its own, stunning yet different thread as we walk with the Lord. He speaks to our hearts and romances us intentionally… personally...deeply. Though our personalities and journeys with the Lord may be unique to each one of us, our love of Him and desire to draw nearer to Him remains the same. And our stories, our unique pathways of encountering the risen Lord, matter. Together, they form an intricate tapestry that honors and glorifies God.

As we launch into a new school year, we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you to the women behind this ministry. Though God is the core of Live Today Well and the reason behind all that we do, these women form the heart of Live Today Well Collective. Below, you’ll find a short introduction to each woman on the 2022-2023 VOICES Team! We invite you to cover these women in prayer, as they in turn, pray for you, too. Together, as one collective, let us all support and encourage one another, that we may point each other towards heaven.

Meet Deanna Bartalini

After years of working in various full-time ministry positions, I am creating a life less career-focused and more personal and mission-focused. Being with people, listening to them, and helping them come to know God more deeply is my passion. My husband and I have been blessed with grandchildren and spending time with them is a joyful priority. There is sometimes the question of “am I doing enough?” which can bring doubt and tension while reminding me to turn to God.

One thing that God has been teaching me lately? God is always teaching me something. Often repeatedly, but that’s a different issue! I would say, right now, the one that first comes to mind is this: I may never be well-known or famous, but what I offer the world is just as needed.

Connect with Deanna on Instagram @deannabartalini.

Meet Kara Becker

Though my background is in parish based ministry and teaching, my current season is one of joyful chaos, as I homeschool my three children ages 6 and under. I also tutor students in reading and writing part time, and I serve as the Ministry Director for Live Today Well Collective.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? There is abundant grace in the here and now. In the midst of a season of transition, the best thing I can do is relinquish control and lean into the loving arms of the Father.

Connect with Kara on Instagram @karabecker__.

Meet Dani Binsol

An aspiring healer and budding young professional, I am currently at a crossroads both personally and professionally. This season has proven to be one of big transitions and even bigger changes as I navigate what it is to be a woman of faith and deal with the practicalities and problems of living in the modern world. As I question, I also deepen my prayers, asking God to sit with me as I try to move through this time of changing tides.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been trying to teach me how to surrender - my fears, my anxieties, my doubts - we have been working on dealing with impostor syndrome together and learning so much about how to love Him through loving me.

Connect with Dani on Instagram @outofpost.

Meet Alli Bobzien

Hi! I’m Alli Bobzien and I am a full time mom to my two spunky daughters (3.5 years and 7 months) and a part time graduate student finishing up my master’s in Theology. I can usually be found with my girls in either our backyard or kitchen; we love to explore the outdoors and concoct new recipes. I’m an avid reader, adore cozy mugs and strong coffee, and am happiest when spending time with my friends and family. My background is working with individuals with disabilities, I hope to use my writing to encourage women and families of all abilities.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The importance and multi-faceted nature of community - in both our faith and motherhood.

Connect with Alli on Instagram @bobz.alli.

Meet Anna Bonnema

I am the mom of 18 year old triplets who are leaving home for their first year of college (all to different spots) this year. I work part time at Hope college and am a certified spiritual director.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? About what it could mean to be made to shine in this season of life.

Connect with Anna on Instagram @annabonnema.

Meet Emily Bradfield

My name is Emily and I’m a recent college grad (Go Tar Heels!) who is just entering the workforce and looking forward to getting married this October! I’m a lifelong Catholic who had a reconversion in college and am excited to be part of the team :) The season of life I’m in right now is transition and change, which I’m embracing for my upcoming adventures!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me to be patient with myself and to live in the now. He has been teaching me that patience really is a virtue and something we should strive to cultivate!

Connect with Emily on Instagram @em87r.

Meet Kathryn Brewer

Hi there! I'm currently a PhD candidate in biochemistry at Vanderbilt University, studying the molecules of life and how they're impacted in disease. I'm single and dating a wonderful man named Randy. When I'm not in the lab, I can be found in the choir loft at church, at home experimenting with sourdough, or writing!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Right now God is teaching me that the perfect is often the enemy of the good. I struggle with scrupulosity and perfectionism, and the Lord is showing me that by clinging to that perfect self I think I have to be, I'm actually preventing myself from being who I was made to be, and from having the relationship with Him that I truly desire. Slowly but surely, He's breaking that identity down and replacing it with His own identity for me: one who is loved.

Connect with Kathryn on Instagram @brewerkathryn0.

Meet Madison Chastain

This season of my life has contained the most concentrated amount of personal change since my childhood years as an Air Force brat moving all the time. I started planning my wedding, wrote my first (two!) books, changed jobs, moved my younger brother into a care home for disabled adults, finally started seeing a PCOS specialist, watched my youngest brother graduate high school and start college, started helping my parents move out of the home they've lived in for 15 years, and am finally getting married in October. This amount of change has kept me busy and demanded that I leave any portion of unfilled time to rest, meditation, and rejuvenating relationship.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The only thing that really matters, at the end of the day, is people. Who are your people? Who shows up for you? How do you treat those closest to you? How do you give to and advocate for those in harm's way? How does your professional, creative, and ministerial work better the lives of people other than yourself?

Connect with Madison on Instagram @maddsienicole, and find more of her writing at her blog,

Meet Meghan Chen

I am just starting my 2nd year as a Master of Physical Therapy student! Currently praying for God to reveal to me more about where he wants me to be and who he wants me to be with. It's all in flux but I'm learning to trust him more throughout that process - His plan is good and I am trying to let him lead the way!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? To surrender my "knots" of fear and anxiety to him every day (several times a day!). Each time I do so, I picture Him taking the knot into his tender hands, placing it in his heart, and taking me into a warm embrace. This is bringing me so much peace and is far more fruitful than me worrying worrying incessantly and treating people with impatience as a result!

Meet Lindsay Chiodo

I am a newly-wed in my late 20s navigating all the new things marriage is throwing my way. I’m an amateur plant mom, wannabe birth doula, and I am obsessed with travel.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I need to give him more time.

Connect with Lindsay on Instagram @linzerjo.

Meet Sara Coello

I'm Sara - I just started working at my alma mater's Newman Center as the campus minister which I absolutely love! Most of my days are spent meeting with students, leading small groups and retreats, and just hanging out on campus! Outside of work, I love trying out different coffee shops, reading, catching up with friends, cooking with my roommates, and practicing piano & guitar! I am enjoying this season of life where I get to minister to students and help them come to know and love Jesus and His church more and more!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has really been teaching me a lot about friendship - I have had my fair share of toxic female friendships, but in this season the Lord has redeemed that and showed me the goodness of vulnerability and authentic love and support in the friendships He has gifted me.

Connect with Sara on Instagram @saracoello.

Meet Sarah Cook

I am a wife and first-time mom residing in the Kansas City area. I have been relishing God’s grace and joy in the many “new” areas of my life brought on by a transition-filled season: new home, job, and baby. I enjoy baking, walks with my family, coffee, and audio books. I work in an administrative support role at a local health system and am also a spiritual director.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The necessity and value of abiding in the Lord, especially as I learn how to be a mom. It has been challenging to maintain living in a way that is grounded in God’s love in the midst of finding my new routine in daily life with the addition of my baby. God has been graciously showing me my need for Him in this season and inviting me to draw nearer.

Connect with Sarah on Instagram @bluebirdiekc.

Meet Tayler Crabb

My name is Tayler and I am a Kindergarten teacher in Western North Carolina. I am also a Catechist for First Communion kiddos at my parish! I enjoy hiking, spending time with friends, and photography!

One thing God has been teaching me recently? To trust him and throw myself completely into his care ♥️

Connect with Tayler on Instagram @taylercrabb.

Meet Taryn Delong

My husband and I have been married for two years and have officially entered the toddler years with our one-year-old daughter—every day is an adventure! I left full-time employment to stay home with her, though she sometimes joins me on video meetings for Catholic Women in Business, where I serve as co-president and managing editor. I also freelance for other publications and teach the FEMM fertility awareness method. In whatever free time I have left, I love to play the piano, read a good novel, and get out in the sun with my family.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been prompting me to look for moments of silence to spend with him. Even as those moments are getting harder to come by as my daughter gets older, it's becoming more and more apparent to me that I need to find them, to spend even a few minutes in silence to listen to the Lord.

Connect with Taryn on Instagram @tarynmdelong.

Meet Erin Donn

Hi friends! My name is Erin. This summer I made a short move from the Maryland suburbs into Washington, DC and started a new job in young adult ministry. Over the past few years transition has paradoxically felt like the most consistent part of my life. Yet, in this stage marked by transition and seeking, I am learning in real time the reality of God's nearness on all the parts of our journey and in the midst of what feels like waiting.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Recently I have heard God gently whispering to me, "Rest. Receive. It's okay to let Me in." I am a "doer" to a fault, and don't do well with slowing down and being. In this invitation, I not only sense God's invitation to just be with Him, but also his promise of seeing how He is working when I open myself more fully to life in Him.

Connect with Erin on Instagram @erin_eats.

Meet Maureen Eaton

I’m a wife (married to David since 1985) and mom (to 4 grown sons) and Meme (to 5 beautiful grandchildren). I’m a retired teacher of Deaf students and currently enjoy reading, writing, learning new things, and spending time with family.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Trust and looking for beauty in the ordinary.

Connect with Maureen on Instagram @maureenaeaton.

Meet Mindy Edgington

My name is Mindy Edgington and I am quickly approaching my 30's. I am the wife of a law student and professional in Corporate Healthcare. Our family has experienced three years of loss and infertility and I am still learning how to live with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Much of my free time is spent as a Court Appointed Special Advocate, bible study leader, future Parish Council member and servant to the poor.

What’s one thing that God has been teaching you recently? My authority in prayer and the power of intercession!

Connect with Mindy on Instagram @mindy.edgington.

Meet Jennifer Ely

I am Jen, I'm a consecrated virgin in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux in Louisiana, USA. I have a Masters in Theology with a concentration in Liturgy and am working on prerequisites for my doctorate. I love CrossFit and calligraphy and just recently discovered I enjoy home improvement projects as a new homeowner.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The Bridegroom has been asking me to understand more deeply his mercy for me and for others. He is walking with me through a season of understanding how to love others well, showing mercy in the right way, and relaxing into his timing.

Connect with Jennifer on Instagram @djinn_ely.

Meet Marissa Federline

I am a stay-at-home mama to a beautiful, vivacious 4 year old girl, and a sweet, cuddly 1 year old boy. I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for 6 years. On a typical day, you can find me ignoring the laundry, hiking with my kids, and baking sourdough bread.

One thing God has been teaching me recently? Lately, God has been teaching me to find sanctity in the small, mundane tasks of life. Changing diapers? Cutting grapes for snacks? That’s like all the Corporal Works of Mercy right there!

Connect with Marissa on Instagram at @stella_maris_creates.

Meet Claudia Giebmanns

I am a sophomore at UNC Chapel Hill and am majoring in biology. I’m on the pre-dental track and have been shadowing at an oral surgeon since the summer and loving it! This year I’m going to be Vice President of the Newman club and a small faith group leader. I’m the youngest of three and have 2 dogs and 5 cats who like to keep life interesting.

One thing God has been teaching you recently? God has been teaching me to put Him at the center of everything I do. A lot of times we go throughout the whole day and don’t even give the Lord a thought. I try to keep Him at the center if my life right from when I wake up to remind myself to live the whole rest of the day with Him as my priority.

Connect with Claudia on Instagram @cgiebmanns.

Meet Emily Ha

I am an adventurous and creative Catholic living in sunny San Diego, California! Currently, I work remotely for the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and hope to attend graduate school for a Master's in Public Health in Fall 2023. I love to travel the world, bake new treats in my kitchen, write music with my guitar, and dive my nose into a really good book. This season of my life is full of growth and learning as I get acquainted with adulthood.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me patience and finding calm in the waiting.

Connect with Emily on Instagram @inner.eminence.

Meet Lindsay Hankinson

Hi, I’m Lindsay and I’m from a small town in central PA! I have a huge support system which includes mom, dad, brothers, sister in laws, handsome nephews, and a precious niece. This past year or 2 my own faith has grown in leaps and bounds as I have made the decision to become a Benedictine oblate

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? He has been teaching me to wait and pray. But also to trust his timing with things.

Connect with Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayhankinson.

Meet Kayla Hart

I am a 35-year single woman in a bit of an in-between place in life, as I am currently in the midst of a job change (with absolutely no idea what I would like that change to be). I am currently entertaining the possibility of spending the next several months getting my life in order enough to finally fulfill a 14-year dream of moving to France, while suddenly terrified of the enormity of what it would entail. In my spare time, I love singing, watching and listening to musical theatre, occasionally writing short plays, and spending quality time with my loved ones (in whatever form I can get).

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has definitely been reinforcing the value of practicing gratitude. I’ve been keeping a gratitude list since October, and while it started off with 3-5 items per day (I had set a 3-item minimum), I am quite regularly getting daily lists with 8 items or more these days, even during the very difficult spring I had. There is always something to be grateful for once you start really paying attention!

Connect with Kayla on Instagram @hartofsilver.

Meet Shelby Hirschman

Hi, my name is Shelby Hirschman, and I am navigating life as a wife, mom, dietitian, and aspiring saint—usually with coffee in hand. Lately, I spend a lot of my time running my nutrition counseling practice and in the glorious and terrifying trenches of raising toddlers. I am passionate about helping women heal their relationship with their food, their soul, and their inherently good body. And I like to read and write during naptime.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Recently, I have been learning to recognize the subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways I lean on myself to “prove” my value. God has been calling me to slow down, open my palms, reflect on their emptiness, and rest in the knowledge of His unconditional love.

Connect with Shelby on Instagram @goodbody_nutrition.

Meet Gabriela Keator

Hello! I am a recent college graduate from St Louis University and just wrapped up a year of service with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Houston, TX serving as an immigration paralegal. Right now, I am in a season of transition and of searching, as I try to build community in Houston and start full-time work. Originally from Massachusetts, I am looking forward to making Texas home and seeing what God has in store for me! I am a big fan of “finding God in all things” and am often found having a conversation with a friend over a cup of coffee, further connecting to God and the world around me through intentional friendships!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been gently inviting me into the concepts of mercy and tenderness, specifically when it comes to taking care of myself!

Meet Mary Beth Keenan

I am a mother-artist. I stay at home with our two littles: a 2 year old girl and a baby boy that joined us in June. I am passionate about caring for creation and caring for our mental health, both of which can be seen in my written and visual artwork. I am excited to be back as a photographer for a third year and grateful to begin sharing more of my writing with the Live Today Well community!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? To find connection with others in little moments - be it when the baby is alert, the toddler is helping get a snack, or my husband and I have 5 quiet minutes to ourselves. God is showing me that He is present in those moments and is inviting me to be fully present to the person in front of me.

Connect with Mary Beth on Instagram @mb_keenan.15.

Meet Cathi Kennedy

I am a native Texan who's lived in the Midwest for almost 40 years. My husband and I have been married for 24 years and have two grown sons. I love to read and write and I'm learning to play the cello - something I've been wanting to do for decades. I'm a convert to Catholicism and I try to learn something new about my faith every day.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Surrender. Trying my hardest to ignore this, but He just won't let me.

Connect with Cathi on Instagram @cathikennedy.

Meet Katie Kibbe

I am a writer and speaker helping busy women live their faith more thoughtfully. I also work with writers helping them find the story only they can tell. Married to my college sweetheart, we enjoy snow skiing with our two young-adult children as often as possible.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? He has been teaching me to sift through the everydayness of life in order to see the sacred.

Connect with Katie on Instagram @katie_kibbe.

Meet Jamie Leverette

Jamie is a 28-year-old writer living in the beautiful city of Charlotte, North Carolina. Some of her great loves include the written word, video essays, and her adorable floofy cat, Tsukki. Since converting to Catholicism at 22, she seeks to cultivate a life full of truth, beauty, and goodness, and is eager to share her musings as a part of the VOICES team.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently?

Connect with Jamie on Instagram @jleverette94.

Meet Mary Mailloux

I am a wife to my husband of 4 years. I'm teacher turned stay at home mom to three babies three and under. My days consist of playing with the kids, baking whenever I have the chance, and finding pockets of time in the midst of motherhood to pray.

One thing that God has been teaching you recently? To rely on him for strength

Connect with Jamie on Instagram @marykatemailloux.

Meet Lily Mar

I am a mama of six to a 14, 11, 9, 6, and twin 4 year olds. I’ve been home with the kids for almost seven years and possibly substitute teaching in fall for fun. I love science, art and nature the most! I love being a wife and going on many dates with my husband now that we have a built in babysitter.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? To allow myself to be surprised.

Connect with Lily on Instagram @esposadelmar and @itsfelixfriday.

Meet Rebecca Martin

As I begin my third year of marriage, I'm also preparing to make my final profession as a Lay Dominican this fall. My Dominican vocation guides every aspect of my spiritual life, so I am diving more deeply into my formation as I approach a lifelong commitment. At the same time, I am embarking on a new adventure as acquisitions editor for Our Sunday Visitor, developing books and ideas to champion the Church; and, in a less lofty endeavor, trying to keep the house clean and my husband fed!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Time with the Lord is a pleasure, not a burden - this is something I should have learned long ago, but I lost sight of the pathways to prayer that were best suited to who I am in my season. The Lord is drawing me back to himself, one day at a time.

Connect with Rebecca on Instagram @rebecca.w.martin.

Meet Victoria Mastrangelo

I am a wife, high school theology teacher and campus minister, and mom to three girls. I am also an editor for FemCatholic. I enjoy coffee dates, reading several books at once, writing, and exploring the Houston food scene where we live.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? One thing God has been teaching me recently is how not in control I am and how to be present to the person sitting in front of me.

Connect with Victoria on Instagram @vimastrangelo.

Meet Becca Michaels

Hi, I'm Becca, a new grad student at UNC Greensboro studying to become a pediatric speech-language pathologist! Most of my hobbies are music-related- I play piano, organ, and sing lots of musical theatre and opera. Beyond that, my spare time is spent with my adorable niece and nephews or playing board games. I am also newly engaged, and planning a wedding during your first year of grad school is no joke… but I’m definitely learning that balance is key!

What’s one thing that God has been teaching you recently? God has been teaching me to take things one step at a time... a lesson I accept better on some days than on others ;).

Connect with Becca on Instagram @michaelsbecca.

Meet Kristy Michaels

With my sixth and final child having started college in August, I am settling deeper into my empty nest, but it's not all that empty. Five grandchildren and one very young puppy are keeping me busy. Active days mean that I also crave my quiet time, connecting with my husband of 33 years, relaxing with a nice walk or a puzzle, and carving out time to walk more closely with Jesus. He has something in mind for me in this stage of life, and I need to be a better listener to be able to hear His voice.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me that the antidote to resentment is gratitude.

Connect with Kristy on Instagram @michaelsclan2.

Meet Christina Page

I'm a postsecondary instructor, learning strategist and occasional ESL teacher living in British Columbia, Canada. Much of my life involves practicing and thinking about intercultural education as I work to finish the (hopefully) final stages of my PhD studies in the next year. My free time is often spent doing more reading, jogging in the park, and keeping up friendships with the beautiful, culturally diverse spiritual family around the world (and closer to home) that God has given me.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The journey to trust more deeply has been a lifelong struggle for me, and something that has been a special focus in my relationship with our Lord is the invitation to trust more deeply, not by trying harder, but by resting and growing in the depth of his love for me. The Litany of Trust speaks deeply to my heart right now as I pray for continued growth in love and trust.

Connect with Christina on Instagram @christinapage23.


I am a single mom of two, who just currently relocated to Steubenville Ohio from California earlier this year. I work as the manager of adult conferences run thru Franciscan University’s Office of Outreach and evangelization. I’ve also just recently decided I’m ready to date again, so if you know anyone! 😂

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? To be at peace and find joy in the small moments.

Connect with Eileen on Instagram @franciseileenperez.


Hi! My name is Colleen and I am a high school teacher, wife, and mom of three tiny humans (aged 4, 2, and 6 months). I am starting at a new school this year, teaching both a subject that is my jam (Church History) and one that is entirely new to me (World Religions), so I'm both overwhelmed/terrified and excited for this new chapter of my career and my life. I love sleeping in, watching TV, doing yoga & going on long walks, ocean breeze, Harry Potter, and - most of all - spending time with my family & friends.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? In the past year or so, God has been drawing me towards recognizing two main truths, I think: (1) my inherent value as God's creation and beloved, based simply in my being me and not in anything I do or accomplish or what anyone else thinks of me, and (2) the importance of Sabbath/rest and being filled up/restored (as opposed to a sole focus on "taking up my cross" and being completely drained as a result).

Connect with Colleen on Instagram @dancinfitz.

Meet beth puLEO

I am a graduate of Mount St. Mary's University, an avid blogger at pda:the positive disabled adult, grant writer and childhood brain cancer survivor. At a young age, I became physically disabled as a result of cancer and told by doctors I only had weeks to live but God had other plans. Being single, I feel in a constant in-between season and am learning to trust God in every moment, to listen for His voice, and follow His guidance.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Lately, God has been constantly asking me to wait for Him and for His plans. To let go of control, to stop comparing myself to others, and to stop trying to plan my entire future out. I can just sense grabbing my hand and calmly saying "Wait for Me".

Connect with Beth on Instagram @eapuleo .

Meet ava robicheaux

I'm a full-time public engagement and communications coordinator living the single life in Dallas, TX. When I'm not using my customer service voice or wordsmithing deliverables for clients, you can find me volunteering with my home parish's high school ministry, reading, writing, playing guitar, learning piano, planning my next vacation, or hanging out with friends in my young adult community. My claims to fame include being the oldest sister to four younger brothers and taking 25 years to master the cartwheel.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? The Lord has been teaching me about what it means to be the Beloved lately, specifically how He sees and knows us so intimately. I'm still learning how to embrace that intimacy.

Connect with Ava on Instagram @ava.writes.things.

Meet Janna Rutkowski

My name is Janna and I am a junior in college, working on a degree in Environmental studies. I'm in the Army and returned last year from a deployment to the Middle East, where I met my wonderful boyfriend. I just moved to Vermont to be closer to my Army unit and my college. I love journaling and being outside, and I'm currently working on taking better care of my mental health than I have been.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I think God has been trying to teach me that it's okay to struggle with faith, and the important thing is that I'm doing my best and working every day to become a better version of myself.

MEET Rebecca Sahagun (go-oco)

I am currently preparing for the sacrament of matrimony and in the middle of discerning going back to school! I have been extremely blessed with a busy engagement season but I am very excited to work on building a home with my soon to be husband. I currently work full time at a pharmaceutical company and I try to find time for nice walks outside when I can!

One thing God has been teaching me recently? I have learned that my life is a series of answered prayers, no matter the season or the struggle. I am learning to constantly trust in the Lord as He answers my prayers in His time.

Connect with Rebecca on Instagram @rebecca.mg13.

MEET Jennifer Scheuermann

I am a wife and mother of two teenage sons who is proud to call New Orleans home. During the week it is my privilege to work as a Physician Assistant who specializes in liver disease, and on the weekends I’m typically found searching for shade on the sidelines of a sporting event. My favorite time of day, though, is early morning, when I wake before my household rises, grab my French press coffee, and sit with Jesus.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Recently the Lord has revealed His desire for greater intimacy in our relationship—more so than I even thought possible, as He is inviting me to see Him not just as God the Father, but also as Jesus my Bridegroom. And with this, He is calling me to look at the walls I’ve spent years constructing around my heart—walls I know He wants to come down so I can fully receive His love.

Connect with Jen on Instagram @earlyAMcoffeewithJesus.


I am a retired high school Religion teacher from NYC, now residing in Buffalo NY. I did graduate work at St. John's University in NYC. I am a widow with three adult children and six grandchildren. Now, in addition to some free-lance writing, I enjoy knitting, cross stitching and reading.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is reaching deep into my heart, teaching me things like patience, surrender and silence.

Connect with Kathy on Instagram @kathyschlossmacher.


I am so many things, like every other woman. I am a writer, an artist, un-married, and hopefully ever-evolving. I've just been given the titles Director of Student Activities and Athletic Director, which I never would have thought myself to take on. I try to take moments as they come and experience people as they are while attempting to find the fun and heart of everything along the way.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me patience and perseverance. I have felt a tug to notice when I am not being patient with myself and others as well as a keen awareness that I haven't had in the past that the difficult moments pass and are not as defining as I used to feel and think them to be. Not everything or everyone fits into a box and label to define and feeling like I am being placed or pigeonholed into one is helping me to learn to be patient and persevere until the feeling naturally passes.

Connect with Curran on Instagram @katherinecurrantly.


I’m a mom of two and wife to Jeff and we live in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. I’m an INFJ, a therapist, writer and speaker (churches, schools, etc.). My favorite part of the day is after naps when the kids and I snuggle on the couch for a snack and they watch a show while I read.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Gentleness — with my body, with my loved ones, with my state in life, with my clients. When in doubt, add gentleness.

Connect with Krista on Instagram @Kristasteele_.


I am wife and homeschooling mom of four. My husband just retired from active duty and we are learning to navigate civilian life together. We love being outside and spending time together as a family making memories.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Even in the hard, He is present and He is good.

Connect with Adrienne on Instagram @stravgirl.


I am a teacher and a pop culture nerd who loves trivia and wine. I'm also a musician and a life-long Catholic. I have just entered my 40s which I have heard is the best decade yet and so far I am feeling it. I discerned religious life in my 20s but found that it wasn't for me so I live my single life to the fullest with travel and also use teaching, blogging, and my podcast as means for evangelization.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? That evangelization can come in many forms and that He can use my gifts in informal forms of ministry as well as formal.

Connect with Julia on Instagram @sevenmilechats.


After nearly a decade of teaching middle and high school students, I left the classroom in May to focus on my family. My husband and I have three beautiful daughters ages 5 and under, and I'm really looking forward to starting a new season as a stay-at-home, work-from-home mom this fall. We live in an old, small town in Maryland and love taking advantage of the ability to walk to the library, coffee shop, and farmer's market together.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Recently I've been experiencing the consolation of deep gratitude for everyone who has supported my family in our recent transitions. Changing seasons is never easy, but I'm learning it is much more manageable when you rely on your support network, and I'm so thankful to have a great one!

Connect with Catherine on Instagram @catherinesullivanwrites.


In this current season of life, I am finding God in the little ways navigating through final years of college. I find God teaching me through nature, traveling to new places, and visiting every Catholic Church possible. I enjoy daily readings and iced coffee. I am blessed to currently reside in eastern Tennessee surrounded by mountains and close friends.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Acceptance.

Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram @elizabethswanson_

Meet malia tait

I am a wife, mother, and artist. I’m a homeschooling mama who also runs a small business from home.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God has been teaching me patience. He doesn’t always give us what we want when we want it, but He always gives us what we need when we need it.

Connect with Malia on Instagram @belovedblessedart.

Meet Mary thissen

My family and I just recently moved back to Champaign, IL, from Northwest Minnesota. I am wife to Jaime, mom to Blaise and Gabriel, and starting a new position as a Healthcare Data Analyst for a local health system. We are in a time of transition, and I'm learning more and more to trust God with all the details, each and every day! Before my boys were born, I experienced four pregnancy losses, and it's my desire to write and share my faith and the lessons learned from that.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? Radical dependence on him. Life has had many moving parts lately, and it's easy to get overwhelmed and want to shut down when it's all being dumped on you. But God has given me the strength to put one foot in front of the other, knowing that he is already ahead of me as I take my next steps.

Connect with Mary on Instagram @waitingonmiracles.


Hello! I was born and raised in Wisconsin but am now a permanent transplant to the East Coast. It's been 5 years but you can still catch me being suspiciously friendly to strangers and being shocked I whenever I see the ocean. I spend my time as a bilingual speech pathologist, wife, and mother to a one year old. This season of motherhood has me redefining my identity and relationship with God as I navigate the messy, beautiful grace of it all. I'm figuring it all out with a coffee in one hand and a book in the other.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? In the past, I've tended to have a fairly static view of God, but I have spent much of the last year contemplating God in a new way: God as a Mother. In some of the hardest, most vulnerable, and most rewarding lessons of my life, I have seen love in a different light and come to a completely new understanding of "this is my body, given for you." It's a lesson I hope I never stop learning!

Connect with Brady on Instagram @bradyrachel.

Meet Renée urban

I'm in the season of life where I'm rooted... but also in an in-between. I'm immersed deeply in my season of life as a young adult (can I still say young adult if I'm 28? please say yes..), but still finding my way through newness of what this time of life brings. My season of life looks a little like having a group of friends who are married with kids and having other friends who are finding their footing in adulthood. I stand in the middle - rooted and stable with a job that is advancing my career in marketing and communications, a roof over my head with owning my own house and in a committed relationship that is discerning marriage.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? God is teaching me that there is still learning and understanding even when He brings you what you have been desiring. With each period of newness - whether that be a new job, a new relationship, a new routine (even if it has been something you are desiring) - there will be a sense of uncertainty as you navigate change, a sense of learning as you comprehend something new, and a sense of trying to grasp on to the ropes to find your footing.

Connect with Renée on Instagram @reneeurbannn.

Meet erin velasco

My name is Erin and I am a mother of 5, happily married, animal lover, homeschooling mom and lover of all things coffee and outdoors!

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? To slow down and truly see everything for what it is as it unfolds in front of me.

Connect with Erin on Instagram @Erinlaura92.

Meet mary williams

I’m a Catholic wife and mama of two living in Southern California. I spend my days creating as a means of glorifying God whether that looks like writing a book, kissing a boo-boo, painting through the psalms, or making dinner for my family.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? I’m learning slowly that a practice of praise (something I’ve longed to improve in my spiritual life for a long time) is less about perfecting my own faithfulness and more about paying attention to God’s faithfulness. No matter the circumstances I face or the attitude I wear each day, God is always good, always loving, and always present.

Connect with Mary on Instagram @creatingtolove.

Meet rosemary zimmerman

I’m a cradle Catholic revert, a hospitalist nurse practitioner, and a divorced, single mother to a young son. I live on a two-week cycle, working 84 hours of night shift in one week so I can be a full time mother the next week! I love to read (classics, theology, poetry, political philosophy, philosophical ethics, detective fiction, and low fantasy), and with three friends I also podcast @forgodandcountrypodcast.

One thing that God has been teaching me recently? He’s attempting to teach me that I am loved (as myself, in spite of myself) and that His love is sufficient...but I am not proving myself to be an adept student.

Connect with Rosemary on Instagram @religiomedici.

We are truly so grateful for all of these women for their “YES” to joining the Ministry Team. If you’d like to know more about each of these women, you can find their full bios on the “Our Story & Team” page of our website.

We look forward to continuing to grow in holiness with you, dear sister... Here’s to the beautiful things God has in store for us all!


The Live Today Well Ministry Team

Kara BeckerComment